
Cash for Clunkers started under Bush's reign, and went into effect when Obama was in office. Nice try tho.

WOW. Never seen one before?

Quick, add every accessory that has the word snow in it! Cuz snowboarding!

Well I've driven a 12 second car. I had no idea an extra second was so much different.

No, thousands do. Go to a dragstrip. Tons of people of all sexes of all ages. It's really not a big deal. I said COULD because nothing she did was impressive in anyway shape or form; the only thing out of the ordinary is that her parents have a drag car.

And thousands are.

No offense, but I have the sneaking suspicion her contributions are a bit inflated. She could have sandblasted and painted an alternator bracket. It's her parent's car, I doubt she did much of anything, but that's my assumption because most kids her age are playing videogames or on facebook. If it was my kid I'd

But wouldn't complete ones be worth more?

I agree with what you said, but nowhere in history that I can think of, has something rare that has been damaged/destroyed suddenly become more valuable. Maybe the Sphinx? Idk.

Slicks, automatic transmission w high stall torque converter, change the ratios in the diff, some competition shocks (adjustable) traction bars/ladders/4 link rear suspension, etc all contribute to setting a car up for drag racing. My first car was a musclecar (68 charger big block hurst 4spd), so I know the scene,

"which is more than I can do"

No, I drove a vintage 68 Dodge Charger with a big block and a 4spd at 16. I worked my ass off two years to save up for it, and bought one MYSELF, and worked on it MYSELF and drove it MYSELF because it was MY CAR. Having some 16 year old drive an automatic transmissioned car that belongs to their parents isn't

Some douche said I haven't accomplished anything... I was responding to him?

There's some skill involved at a competitive level... or in bracket racing... or in a car with a manual transmission. This is none of those things.

It's especially affordable if it's your parents car that you didn't build. Again... since drag racing requires almost no talent when a car is properly setup... and she didn't build this car... why is this even a story?


I'll fix it for you: "Someone has never been born with parents who don't own a drag car".

Its an automatic.

Yup. I've mentioned it before but I dragged my 68 Charger, my 97 Neon, and my 92 SVX all at various times before in my life. Ultimately, it's a pretty boring sport in my opinion. The time slips are more of an indication of the depth of ones pocketbooks than any sort of skill.

Statistically, hence the word probably.