
Dude have you even been to a drag strip and raced anythin? It's really boring.

Why would that matter? She is racing her mom's car that her dad built.

LOL. Uh, nope. I was featured on build threads once, and it required more than 12 seconds of stomping my foot. I also have shit for sale at every home depot in America, so... yeah.

So basically, if I understand this correctly, she got into a vehicle, turned the key, kept the steering wheel straight, and put one foot down for 12 seconds or so. Quick, we must notify CNN immediately. Call me when she manages a decent time on a road course, or something that requires... you know... any amount of

But our roads were designed for it. If you could travel back in time to the 50s, and tell them in 65 years we'd have a speed limit of 65-75mph, they would think you were high. I've safely gone well into the triple digits without issue on our highways.

Have you driven at night in Nebraska? The roads are devoid of traffic. You can go 140-160 depending on the road condition.

Interesting but completely irrelevant. Gumball = multiple high horsepower cars driving in close proximity; ie, people are going to try to show off and compete against each other directly. With something like a solo cannonball run like the one above, it's a completely different situation. Go do some laps on Gran

Do something stupid and risky today and I guarantee you'll feel 10 years younger. :)

I'm not arguing either. :P But yeah. Risk IS reward. Everything that I've ever done that was memorable was probably somehow risky, whether it be speeding, skiing, trespassing, etc.

It's entirely dependant on userbase in that area. I drive in madison, milwaukee, and back and forth a lot. There are enough users that my radar detector is kind of pointless. Now if I were to go to the middle of Nebraska, I'd be plugging in the detector for sure.

Hence why I said probably. As in personal experience. But what you said isn't official fact because you didn't back it up with actual data. (see what I did there?)

Yeah, I'm just saying it's statistically probably safer to do a run like this, than it is to commute in heavy traffic for a week.

Yeah, I'm not so sure. At night when the traffic is light, it's not like they were speeding past that many people. About a decade ago, I went 140mph in my old Subaru SVX for 1.5 hours straight in south dakota, then backed off and put on the cruise control at 115 for a few more hours. I was only passing semis, which

I agree with what you said. And, it'd have to be a wagon, because ... well.. more room for stuff. And... wagon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pretty sure you werent' averaging 100mph and getting 800 miles to a tank. You need speed to break this record.

Now playing

I drive fast. here's a video because fuck you:

Alex also didn't have the benefit of Waze, or Trapster, or any of the other social driving apps that are prevalent today. Honestly, I barely even use my radar detector anymore; waze is just that good.

I don't really see how going 150mph on a highway is all that dangerous.... depending on traffic. I've done 140mph a few times and it was fun but kind of boring after a while. Modern cars are fine at high speeds.