
Tell me why cops need to spend tax payer money on public appearances...

Sounds like a fair trade.

The irony isn't lost on me... cops want to be "cool", so they like having fast, powerful, loud cars. The very same cars they harass, ticket, and generate revenue from. It's fucking stupid.

I don't see how parading around in a fancy car changes their behavior or what they choose to enforce. Again, what does the public benefit from having cops with a fancy car to show off? Answer: It fucking doesn't! Furthermore, the city is probably paying those asshats to sit around at the car show, using even more

It's kind of awesome such a goofy dude owns such a sweet car like that. And drives the piss out of it.

Red FC convertables aren't actually rare at all. I see them for sale ALL THE TIME in wisco, usually around $3-3500.

idk. I see these all the time for 3k. Usually low miles, 5 spds. Nobody wants them.

I see these all the time for 3k or $3500. Always red, always a base model 5 spd. I'm guessing there are so many around because they were purchased as nice weather cars, and got TERRIBLE gas mileage, so people just parked them.

I should do that with my S6, I only use it to tow my boat and go on ski trips. Problem is when I drive to Colorado and back it's about 3k alone, I probably put 4k miles on it a year.

Jectron. $7 a can. Pour in gas tank. I can almost guarantee that is the exact product they are putting in your car and charging you an exorbitant amount for. Unless they are physically removing the injectors, you're getting ripped off big time.

So we know it guzzles gas, it has to be maintained... but what does the general public get out of this? Does it help keep us safer, or things run more smoothly? Or is it just cops jacking themselves off on being cool? Because I don't see the point of police publicity; if they want a good image they should start

Fellow ID guy here, too! I'm general ID and work at a consultancy, but I've done transportation as well. Hence why I said what I said - my design school had a pretty distinct split between "design students" and "artists"; the artists generally not really giving a shit about being professional, how things work, and

1. Artists don't design cars. Industrial designers do. They went to school for it, and know about materials, mass construction, and functionality in addition to form, proportion, and styling.

Anybody who owns a GTR, 2 M3s, and a Cayenne Turbo is far, far, FAR above the national average for income in this country. I'm guessing you're in the top 10%, easily. Can't even imagine your fuel bill or insurance rates.

K. How about this:

Was going to upvote you, since I thought the same thing (celica with factory rice installed) but now you just sound a like a rich douchebag so I'm not.

"I'm pretty sure 2 optimas would run all that crap"

You realize that even the number of females that know how to drive stick are probably like... oh... .5-1% right?

I love cars. I hate cops. I hate cops enforcing stupid shit like speed limits instead of what actually causes accidents (inattentive driving). I hate cops writing me tickets for $175 tickets for 11 over the limit to justify their own expenditures (oohhh a shiny new badass charger, a $10k motorola radio, and let's

So they say. I'm not convinced. The current draw of a radio and a laptop can't be very high, and most of hte light bars have been replaced with LED units, which use even less energy. I'm pretty sure 2 optimas would run all that crap for a LOONNNGGGGGG time before they got low. I think the real problem is people