Oh, so it's guzzling gas without even providing any actual police services to the public. Even better!
Oh, so it's guzzling gas without even providing any actual police services to the public. Even better!
Good! Maybe you'll bitch more or even riot; either should light a fire under their asses to make them moves faster!
Keep it. Insure it. It's not going to depreciate. It will only appreciate. Some people like having their retirement in a bank, I'd rather have it invested in something that would hold value or appreciate that I can actually use in the meantime.
Okay, awesome. Only if cops have to pay for the gas in the vehicle they drive.
I just think cops should drive compacts, not SUVs or musclecars. There is no point!
Cool, it's definitely awesome that tax payers are paying to fuel this gas guzzler, because there's no way to out run a cop in a normal cop car, it's not like they have any technology that would allow them to communicate to another cop up ahead, or any technology to somehow identify a speeder's car, and see who it was…
Number of times I've almost been hit by a speeder: zero.
This. I usually shop around and try to find a shop that will use parts I supply them. I'd rather pay a bit more for labor and get my own parts, that way I can pick what brand/quality I want, and not get ripped off. Plus it's still cheaper than having them do everything.
You never know. Some people might just see an old wooden boat.
Patrick, if you could please never mention the Riva ever again, I'd appreciate it, as most people don't know what they are and I hope to find a deal on one someday. So please pretend it doesn't exist, okay? Thanks!
This is awesome. I hope they get stuck across the metro tracks and jam up the train too, so basically none of congress can even get to work. I applaud this movement! I wish I had an 18 wheeler to "break down" on this road as well. :)
Once he gets his teeth into it, he won't let go.
Which is good, because that car looked great!
GTA online didn't work for me until last Thursday. Played for a few hours. Character deleted. Had to start over on Saturday. Played 4 hours. Character deleted. Yesterday, I tried one more time, and put in another 4-5 hours. If it's deleted... I'm done.
I really liked the character switching though; it was great when you were in the middle of nowhere without a ride, or got a little bored of one character. Perfect solution for our ADD society!
Ehhhh this is a huge black eye on what was otherwise one of the most successful launches in videogame history. Spending a few hundred thousand on additional servers, or converting some of their other game servers to GTAV servers would have improved the brand perception immensely. You can keep saying all that crap…
"our" collective consciousness? Or YOUR collective consciousness?
Good for you.