
They said it wouldn't be perfect and there'd be some glitches. That's okay, I expect that, but that's not what happened. It's been completely unplayable for days, and I can't even get online at all. That is NOT what they described. What were they doing for the 2 weeks? What are they doing about it now? Why did

>shrug< We just made an event out of it, for every release. What better excuse to cut loose and party? I don't do this for any other game franchise, and honestly I don't even play that many games. GTA though.. man I love GTA. :D

GTA is my favorite series. I waited 5 years for this, and I went to the midnight release for GTAIV, and LCS. I flew 1300 miles away to celebrate this game with my buddy, with whom I've had release parties with for every major GTA release since Vice City. This game was the most ambitious, in terms of scale, but

Uh, that's the primary reason I take mine off, doofus. Guess what reflects extremely well back to their radar? Remove it and you have a few more seconds to slow down.

You forgot the last step, where you remove the plate and don't get hassled about it for another 7 years.

Not to be a dick... but this is kind of true, no? Just as chickens were bred to be meatier for more profit, didn't slave owners have 'selective breeding' to produce stronger more durable slaves? If selective breeding can turn a wolf into a yorki, couldn't we achieve similar results in humans? Not saying any of


How about instead they don't improve anything and just start making it more affordable every year?

NO! Just no. They have a great design. Refine it over the years and it will become a legend, like the 911. If you try to reinvent the wheel every time, you are doomed for failure.

Or maybe it's the fact that people have jobs but nobody is getting paid much and we can't afford such things. I'd love to have one... if, and only if, it came with a free gas card.

The proportion and general shape of the vehicle was dictated by expensive research studies that showed what people ACTUALLY need. ie, they don't need 400hp Yukon Long Ranch King Dick Vortec HD extreme versions capable of towing 18,000lbs, they need something that's versatile, and can tow a small boat or a pair of

I don't mind the Aztek; it's actually a pretty useful minivan. The nissan Juke on the other hand, is absolutely fucking terrible.

I bought all my cars used, my 911 has 126k, my S6 now has 148k, my vw has 214k, and my insight has 176k. None of them were beaten to hell, and all are reliable. But yeah, keep living in the 1960s so I can get deals on all this stuff.

Whatev, I don't know SUVs very well. Obviously. Heh.

I was stoned the whole time so I think that area took me like 2 hours.

LOL, bloggers don't get paid that much at all. They don't have use correct grammar or even be accurate, just serve that hot steaming pile as fast as possible!

Maybe because driving different cars is actually fun? And just being able to fly around is boring?

Thought the exact same thing.

It all makes sense again.