Driving is far too private a situation. I hope he gets explosive diarrhea somewhere very inconvenient, and very public.
Driving is far too private a situation. I hope he gets explosive diarrhea somewhere very inconvenient, and very public.
During a traffic jam.
How is it gendered? I tell men and women both to shut the fuck up if they're not helping.
I normally avoid watching video of him but this one really put a smile on my face. The evidence of his cognitive decline is getting harder to ignore. He can’t pronounce basic words, the slurring and dry mouth, his obvious balance issues (dude was holding on to that podium like it was a teenage beauty contestant),…
Get off this site crazy
“Oh Murray - why HAVEN’T you seen those numbers?”
Tighten your chin strap before you head back to Brietbart.
“Worse for you, his support among, women, blacks, Hispanics and Asians is higher than when he was elected.”
They were probably waiting for his Sudafed to kick in and get him (just barely) into shape to be in public. Now he’ll go gorge himself on KFC and fall back into torpor.
If movies didn’t now cost $47 per person including popcorn and a drink I might agree with you. I note that you’re only putting $5 on the line here.
One wonders whether one could post an article discussing Huey Lewis’ best-selling album.
Exquisite sports content
God damn it. Stick to sports and stop talking about the MLS!
*chef's kiss*
With that, he achieved what his beloved Vikings usually cannot.
Wearing a John Rocker jersey is the same as wearing a MAGA hat.
Coinflip on whether they turn the lights out before it hits or not.
I remember in like 2006 when there were already stupid “stick to sports” takes in the comment threads (that weren’t an ouroboros of satire and actual business practices around here), someone was bitching about a particular blog and “why it doesn’t belong on a sports site.” One of the wise old leaders of the…
You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.