Ghinne Blerb, Jr.

I didn’t toil away in college for four years to get my cowboy degree for this bullshit.

FBI: “Ok you can tell the public we know Russians hacked two Florida counties, but you cant say their names because that might let the hackers know we are on to them.”

We are all too focused on praying for KD’s precious tendons to fully appreciate this burn.

Pardon my near drunken exclamation here. But I fucking love this team. Siakam makes my bathing suit area tingle.

This isn’t the first time that Spiro has been accused of improper contact with an adverse party. Not saying either times were ethics violations, but, sometimes, reputations can be made by accusations alone.    

But...what kind of soup. This is important. 

Trump doesn’t worry about offending the black women who would vote for him.  We didn’t vote for his raggedy ass the first time.  All the black women who voted for Trump will once again crawl their way put of the sunken place to vote for him again but for the more than 90% of us he can keep on kicking rocks.  

I went to a SL-sized college near nowhere and its unlikely that a grown-ass ex-felon would be living in the dorms without folks talking about it. However, each person and each small college’s culture is different. Even though people were kind of in each other’s business at my school, one of my good friends didn’t

I read the whole story before getting to the separate press release at the end explaining that the author was a classmate of the students involved.  I didn’t have any trouble understanding the story.  However, I’m having a lot of trouble understanding why anyone would think it was either confusing or a big deal that

This is a pretty weak take. First, as many others have mentioned, Harry is out of the line of succession. But also, conflating unpopularity resulting from a 2-week max news cycle concerning a tabloid-created grievance with, say, the casus belli for the English Civil War is kinda ridiculous. Its not like they said they

I’ve played football. Very great at it. John Madden, good friend of mine, told me I was a modern day Red Grange. Really great that Red Grange. But life, you know sometimes we do things that, it gets in the way. So here I am, your great President. The greatest actually. Did you see my poll numbers? Best in years I was

What the f—- do you want to do? the [country]’s [voters] asked him. Tweet or [be President]? If you want to [be President], how the f—- do you have time to [build the wall and make Mexico pay for it] when you are tweeting every five seconds? 

There was a hot tub... beneath the bed? These people just adored a soggy mattress. A mattress but make it soggy. What the fuck.

How in the hell can you copywrite a common word in a major language?

I love that the dog keeps a backup toy in his mouth. Dogs are the best!

This isn’t a criminal case, though. The only goal of an inquiry into judicial misconduct is to determine whether a judge should be sanctioned. Since she’s no longer a judge, the proceedings are moot because the commission has no power to do anything to her. 

For what’s it worth.  I think think is a great point 

2019 is the year of the bad faith argument.  McCain is just living in the moment. 

Except in the most extreme of circumstances, a scholarship cannot be taken away during the academic year. The coach can choose not to renew the scholarship the next year, and too many do. Also, most schools do have grievance processes for student athletes. My guess is that at the DI level the revenue sports are still

This is probably not the most important observation, but the NCAA could remedy some of this by giving student athletes certain due process-like protections for their scholarships. Rather than the coach, by fiat, removing a player for vague incidents of alleged “insubordination,” give the player a chance to defend them