Ghinne Blerb, Jr.

Rather than overpay for a ticket toLovers and Friends,” one could just go to “Friends and Lovers” in Prospect Heights and hear a DJ play all these late 90s hits without being forced to confront their own mortality by watching artists who’ve aged~25 years since the songs they performed were new and loved.  

When my dad found out I like girls as a teen, he said some pretty terrible things to me, and back into the closet I went. My parents have slowly gotten a bit more accepting, which I'm thankful for. My relationship with my dad is very strained due to that and how he reacted when my wife came out as trans and he had to

Goodbye everyone. It’s been a hell of a ride. Never made it out of the greys but that’s ok.

He may be getting owned by constituents everywhere he goes, but Johnson is still undefeated in the barber’s chair ...

Folks are so anxious to throw dirt on Rodgers grave, but dude is currently leading the NFL in passer rating and TDs and has yet to throw a pick.

Carmelo was kind of a cranky dick to him, but otherwise I don’t think the Knicks really fucked up too badly (with Lin - they can be blamed heavily for almost everything else). He had a meniscus tear and missed the end of that season just 25 games into “Linsanity,” during which he’d already come back to earth a bit.

Herman Moore was pretty good. 

my man looks like Snapchat Baby Filter Huckabee

You shall not - eh, go ahead.

They may not have a GM but any Wizard worth their salt believes in their staff. 

I mean, even if the Democrats were the sole party behind slavery and every racist policy enacted in the history of this county and the Republicans staunchly opposed such decisions at every turn ... that’s still not an argument against creating a commission on reparations.  If anything, its evidence that reparations

Chris Paul’s major endorsement is with an insurance company, which is the most middle-aged dude thing you can do except maybe stanning for prostate exams

Ted’ds beard makes his head look like an under-watered chia pet left too long in direct sunlight.

3095029380923 other people make similar half-brained suggestions that neglect to mention that the US Constitution requires LIFETIME TENURE FOR ARTICLE THREE JUDGES and, thus each and everyone of these dumb-ass plans cannot get off the ground without 2/3+ support by the legislative branches and yet, I am the one who is

Equating disagreement over a contentious and divisive topic to viewpoint discrimination is a tiring exercise in semantics and bad faith. What if a Kobe stan said you weren’t allowed to think Lebron is better because democracy?  Its idiotic.  That said, he is just trying to signal to those in his echo-chamber, which,

Article 3 Judges have lifetime tenure.  This plan would require a constitutional amendment. If we are pointing out problems with it, might want to start there.

A good bartender is worth a thousand bottom feeding law clerks from the Heritage Foundation.

a reverse Kirby with human feet where you put Kirby feet on your toso instead of legs

Rats are moving in and taking over.  Pay attention!