Ghinne Blerb, Jr.

As a gun control advocate who grew up in gun culture, I have two observations. First, objections to common sense measures aren’t because people can’t see how common sense they are, it’s that any measure is always perceived as a step down a slippery slope. Which is to say, we’re dealing with a fear and fear is not

This is shaping up to the The Viper vs The Mountain alright.

She wants the Pipe.

So basically Jeff Van Gundy is Duckie from Pretty in Pink

I’ve seen this romcom before. KD and Rihanna’s fight make them realize that the only thing worse than how they feel about each other is how they feel WITHOUT each other. They eventually fall in love and end up getting married. Jeff Van Gundy, still obsessed with Rihanna, tries to interrupt the ceremony but ends up

Kelly Rowland is a huge J.R. Smith fan and was shouting down Igoudala from the upper deck. No mention of that apparently.


Being disruptive and unruly in court and having horrible opinions are very far from a viable insanity defense. Sure he might try it, but it will fail, specifically for the remarks he made to the cops.

At two o’clock on a sunny day, he heads out for a protest.

big idiot’s beef

While I’d love the court to disagree with me, I fear that the plaintiffs are splitting hairs. Texas evidence law defines a “client” as one who is “rendered professional legal services by a lawyer, or who consults a lawyer with a view to obtaining professional legal services by that lawyer.”

There’s no requirement that

When you’re old as hell, you gotta pick your spots.

Discovery disputes are the yawnsville of legal reporting. All the source material Baylor provided to PH should be turned over as these documents created during the normal course of business, not in anticipation of litigation, and are incredibly relevant. Often people confuse the attorney privilege with the

However, work done by independent investigators could be considered work-product, and would therefore be privileged from discovery.

Work done by independent investigators, even if they happen to be attorneys, is not privileged and would need to be produced in ensuing litigation. If, on the other hand, the attorneys were retained to provide legal counsel, that work would fall under attorney-client privilege and would not be discoverable.

Any height advantage is mitigated by his vertical leap going from 31" to 3.1".

5 years old and VASTLY more intelligent than ALL of the Trump voters/supporters.

My 4-year-old niece calls him “The Tramp”.

I didnt play football, but I hit 6'2 in 8th grade. At the end of freshmen football season the coach convinced me to join the football players weightroom workouts. I never played football (I was discus and javeline thrower...midling at best). But after workouts....id get home and eat just a big ass bowl of pasta

I feel your pain. First job out of college, living in the city, got some duckets in the bank and decide to get tickets to see a basketball game. Iverson is my alltime fav player and he was playing for Detroit, who were visiting the NJ Nets and courtside tickets were about $95. $95 is still a lot, but I am feeling