
Here's a myth that I like. If you serve(d) in the military you are removed from their list of jury duty people but you can still volunteer if you want.

They just made america's 1st Bitcoin ATM here in Albuquerque. So I guess I'll get into it.

I always do 15%. Too bad Albuquerque isn't on the map. I'm curious what people around here tip...

Here in ABQ it was 70s & 80s all last week due to the long overdue rain. But it looks like this week will heat up so this will come in handy. :)

Thought they were snow peas when I first glanced at this. Never heard of fava beans until now. good to know though.

WOW, you guys were/are young with yours.

Roger Ebert is dead??!!

That costs twice as much as my Comcast. Your download is about 8x mine and upload is double, so I think you're getting your money's worth. :)

Whoa! Back when I went to University at Buffalo, I "only" got 50 down, 25 up

Cable. I have Comcast's basic triple play package. 25 down 5 up.

Yeah but those are cheap work monitors. Plus he has the older Xbox 360 that doesn't have HDMI out.

So True. Someday phones will have 1TB+ storage (or at least support a microSD card that big). Until then I'll have to deal with my 11,000 MP3s in various bit rates (mostly 320) on my 64 GB card plus 16 internal. :/

Yeah. I would do that too. Throwing an old copy of XP in a VM running on your better specced PC sounds like a better choice.

I just touch my doorknob (after taking of a fleece if I'm wearing one) and I'm good.

I just stream TV shows online.

Nice. That unit is almost as big as my 10'x15' dorm room... :/

When you have to crawl around a c130 fuel tank and remove and replace a bunch of parts and fill out all the paperwork for it, the more hours the better.

I'm paying $30/month for $400k. I don't have a family yet (20 years old), but I'm sure that'll be enough.