
So that’s why he was with Demi Moore all those years. Totally see it...

Sorry, that girl (ex, non-ex, whatever) is crazy. Crazy eyes. Crazy voice. Crazy penchant for justice. The man might not be a prize but imagine showing up for cameras to rain on his reality TV parade.

to me it was quite clear that DeMario’s girl was a friends with benefits type thing where she as clearly more invested and considered it a real relationship whereas he was just stringing her along waiting for the next best thing. I mean, come on, she showed a text asking why she hasn’t met ANY of his friends or

One thing that continually bugs is the way press will ask Ava duvernay or Ryan Coogler or other black and female directors about diversity in hiring and casting. Why are you asking the people who are doing the work? Why not ask Wes Anderson, sofia coppola, the cohen brothers, and so many others about why they can’t

That dopey-eyed mugshot- let’s just go with “Florida face” and call it good.

And in that family of “stiff upper lip” bs especially...Charles seems like a cold fish and couldn’t wait to get with Camilla. It must have been awful.

My sister has always said she’s turning herself into Cher and it’s finally true!

I lost my dad around the same time Di died, and I was Harry’s age. I have always, always felt a strange kinship to both Princes because of this. And seeing them happy now (and championing mental health) is really nice.

I hope wonder woman does the twirl in the movie.

Turns out I’m allergic to Debra Messing.

I just eat lunch at my desk because I try and not talk to my coworkers. :-|

Young women, listen to me, please! Take your fucking vacation. My old ass is getting ready to leave the office in 15 minutes to go sit on the beach for a week. I earned it, I am taking it and I will be much more productive and relaxed when I get back. Instead of thinking ‘they will realize they don’t need me’ tell

omg take your vacations people. i just used up all of mine. fuck that, i earned that shit.

This is on the same album as those other two. So, she recorded it long before the sales of the other two were known.

I know this is such a small thing but while I didn’t have much of an opinion of Rose before, seeing those photos of the celebs (including her) smoking in the Met bathroom posing like they’re the cool kids at a high school prom really turned me off. That’s such an entitled, selfish and trashy thing to do.

I’m disappointed that Rosie is telling people to be nice to Ivanka. Yes, it is shitty to be Disgusting Daddy’s favorite, I’m sure. He gives off definite psychological incest vibes, and I hope he never acted on his interests. However, Ivanka is a married, adult woman who was handed a shitload of money and power and is

Legitimate question: is there any room for the presumption of innocence and due process in the court of public opinion? Like, how did you decide who you would believe in this case? I read the same story and my conclusion was: IDK what happened because I wasn’t there.

Thanksgiving was my favorite episode for sure.

Maybe Bethany Frankel will be lowered into an actual tank filled with sharks?

I’d watch that.

He should have been fired for “developing” Meghan Trainor.