
It’s my almost birthday. So I made today my birthday because tomorrow is Mother’s Day. I want two days about me. So I drank a bunch of wine. Go me.

Guessing they were all on cocaine. Cocaine and cigarettes are quite the combo or so I hear.

If the blind gossip is anything to go by, all three of the Jackson children are running very fast down very short piers, and this is not going to end well.

Too true. My friends and I held a party the night of our prom called “The Anti-Prom” (maybe not the most original name in retrospect).

Royal blue dress.

No real goth would ever go to prom.

1. The coffin lid was open

Actually, he didn’t just violate Title IX. K-12 educators are mandatory reporters, because we’re basically caregivers for minors. That means if a kid tells you that they’ve been assaulted, are being abused, neglected, etc you are legally required to inform your superiors and either CPS or the police, depending on the

The answer to your question is really, really complicated, and taps into an entire historiography of debate between scholars about why socialism never was able to take root here. The bootstraps mythos, the greed and simultaneous fear that someone will come and take what is yours any minute—they are deeply rooted in

I do online tutoring/test prep, and I was surprised to learn how rigorous UK schools are compared to U.S. schools. Not only are they more rigorous, but the assignments are much more relevant to the “real world.” When I took a marketing class in the US, it was all multiple-choice tests on theories from the textbook.

None of the 8 who were in on the negligent homicide aspect (texting about Piazza being “a problem” and opting to not call 911 for 11 critical hours) will serve a day in prison. They’ll be receiving job offers from Boston Consulting or Bain and Co. the day of their inevitable acquittal.

Yeah, let’s be real here. Anna Wintour is part of the reason the Kardashian-Jenner-Hadid types are taken seriously as fashion people in the first place.

This is literally me, thinking about the fact that in 2017, a party at the Met gains a boost in relevance by having a Kardashian be a headline invitee.

To be fair, Cortney Love’s natural habitat is a smoke filled public restroom.

That would be the 0.001% who are extremely privileged and don’t give a fuck. Half of them have likely never been in a museum or gallery before to actually look at the art .... its just another venue for them to pose and drink and fool around on their cell phones.

I worked on the catering team for the Met Gala in 2008 and I was stunned to see celebrities smoking directly at the tables. Whenever I think of Scarlett Johansson I think of her puffing on a cigarette at an empty table in the center of the room with a ‘I dare you to tell me to quit’ look on her face

I saw those photos and was genuinely like...you get hand picked by designers to go to one of the fucking fanciest parties in the country and you go and snap selfies and smoke in the bathroom like you are at a fucking rave. What is that?

They’re....not usually wrong though.

I’m sorry I had to stop at “this generation’s Dolly Parton” and ask what that means, because I have heard Miley attempting and butchering “Jolene” and it is tragic.