
4th bullet point - I left my wife and kids out of any consideration about whether to sexually pursue women in the workplace. Now that all of this has been revealed, please consider the effects on my wife and kids that your future reporting might have.

Welcome to round 2 of the #metoo movement. Very powerful men are going to work very hard to fuck up anyone that worked to expose anyone during round 1. Even if they survive the beat down it sends a message to anyone thinking of coming forward: we will still ruin your life

This is why, when I’m walking down a street or hall and people are coming toward me, I don’t get out of the way. The only people who have bumped into me are men. Only a handful apologize. I don’t though.

Dutch guy here. There’s no such thing as a burqa ban here. The Burqa ban has been proposed by our mini-trump idiot (who got way to many votes last election) but no burqa ban.


True, but then I remember she did nothing to deserve her fame and fortune in the first place and wonder if we’d have fewer problems if we’d stop giving people like this money.

I mean not only did she shit all over black culture but she shit all over the woman who made sure LBJ didn’t forget about civil rights.

Kanye West doesn’t care about Latinx people.

I love how most people are putting up pictures of themselves looking cute at prom, with kittens, in their cheerleading outfits, hugging their Mom, at a fricking beauty pageant - going ‘oh, I was so awkward and fugly!’. And everyone goes ‘Aw, so cute.’

High-waisted pants most certainly do NOT work for everybody. #fakenews

They should have just said that Erinn Hayes’ character ran off to hang out with Shelley Miscavage and no one can get in contact with her.

Is this too mean? I suddenly feel like this is too mean.


My paternal grandmother died of the Spanish Flu. She was pregnant, which made her more vulnerable. My maternal grandmother told stories of women she’d known who were pregnant at the time and contracted the flu. She told us of how a week or so later, they’d see the woman’s hearse go by on the way to the cemetery.

Got the flu in February, and I will never miss my flu shot again. I think the term “flu” is so ubiquitous that people treat it like a common cold, but it is not. I had a complete lack of sympathy from my boss who kept texting me that I was losing clients and asking why I couldn’t just come in to meet with one client.

I would not be here if not for the Spanish flu. My grandmother was a young nurse who came to my grandfather’s home to nurse his ailing children and wife. His wife died and he eventually married my grandmother. They had 5 kids of their own, the youngest was my dad.

I’m okay.

Kris will never let them become complacent though. They can’t stop, enjoy, and appreciate because there’s always something more they can be doing. By having a baby, now Kylie can brand herself as a hot, hip, young mom and create a line of hot, hip, young mom things in which to make even more money. Even if she wants

Could this not turn into a nightmare inducing 500 days of Jennerfetus?

Entered? Girl’s been wandering around that desert longer than Priscilla.

Guys I need to share somewhere that last weekend Scott Disick was at my hometown (Santa Barbara) local Irish pub (Dargans)...on the night of my wedding and subsequent after party there. (I got married last weekend woooo!!!) His bodyguard was a dick but he wasn’t...? He bought me a beer, several of my wedding party,