
The joke will be on that guy when, after he’s spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a well-branded education, his kid learns to love the ivory tower do much that he does what I did and enrolls in a PhD program to study some esoteric topic no one else on earth cares about.

Sorry, nope. Still on Team Ben

As a west coast guy, boarding schools are such a weird concept. Ugh, no thanks.

No, it’s Kris’s old hairdresser. Who BY THE WAY was on an episode of KUWTK in the early years, still doing her hair. They look soooo much alike.

They’re all greedy assholes. (Jenner, Simpson, Kardashian)

Smear? Guy defended OJ. I’m not too worried about his reputation (and no, dying does not absolve you of doing bad shit while alive).

No wonder none of her stepkids want anything to do with her. It’s not about being trans, it’s about being such a petty little person that she’d use her memoir to smear a dead man while simultaneously making it all about how jealous said dead man supposedly was of Bruce Jenner.

oh, jonathan...you oughtta known better!

“I think we’re going to get some pushback,” Michael Burke, chief executive of Vuitton told the New York Times about the line.

Umm, you’ve been able to buy this kind of stuff at museum gift shops for forever. How is this revolutionary?

Does United not have a single PR person? Someone, anyone who could put some platitudes on cue cards and shove this guy in front of the camera? One of the cops is already being investigated, how hard would it be for United to do the whole we are deeply disturbed by the incident and will look into itsong and dance?

I remember when Pierce Brosnan’s first wife, Cassandra, was battling ovarian cancer. When she died it devastated him. I cannot imagine what it was like for him to go through it all over again with his daughter. Absolutely heartbreaking.

In my mid-thirties, I had several abnormal Pap smears in a row (testing every three months.) I have HPV. I got pregnant with my son during all this. He was a scheduled C-Section. After he was born, the doctor found the cancerous cells in my cervix had grown and spread. Four months later, I ended up getting a

I wish I was the kind of person who could work the line, “How am I doing? Not great, bitch!” into casual social conversations.

I hate her so much. Sometimes, I fantasize that I go to one of her “working women” events and I get the mic to ask her a question so I can just call her a fake-ass cunt to her face.

And as I have stated before, big fucking deal rich girl is attractive. Plastic surgery, never having to do any manual labor, and a glam squad will do wonders for practically every person.

Yes, Chloe was the child of Madeline and Ed, and Skye was the child of Bonnie and Nathan. Abigail is the half sister of each of them, but Chloe and Skye are completely unrelated.

I’d be less mad if he had just married Camilla in the fucking first place and left Di alone. Of course we wouldn’t have William and Harry but she’d probably still be alive.

It’s French.