
The number of hashtags Kim uses is the sure sign of a diseased mind.

Careful, Kim.

It’s my brother’s wedding anniversary. He married an anti-vaxxer. Does that count?

That’s a good student.

I’m a teacher.

I’m having trouble understanding any of this, but the fact that she is willing to appear on the same stage as D. Phil? Girl, bye.

The events, oh lord. When my son was tiny, I was invited to a crafts play group. Yay! What time? 10:30 Tuesdays. Oh. I work. You....What now? I might as well have said I was only interested in crafts made from human remains.

Why is Carole still on this show? Ugh.

Yeah, it’s like people who take an extension or summer annex course and then claim on FB that they attended Harvard or Parsons.

It also means he got drunk once and cheated on his wife.

Yeah but I’ve also come across many men who are like I’m only going to date women in early to mid twenties, who disregard women their own age. And so on. And its a really common thing. Maybe consider that side of the story as well. It actually is a really disgusting thing about our society.. you can date someone older

Maybe it’s just because I feel like being a cunt, but Jennifer Lawrence is mediocre looking. If she was super talented, it’d be one thing, but she is basic in every way. Why are we still talking about her?

I just read that Jennifer Lawrence is 26! Jesus! I’m a few years she’ll be to old to play 39 year olds in David O Russel movies.

they’re “living by the motto that age is just a number”

Brett Ratner said “I think [RottenTomatoes] is the destruction of our business.”

Great minds! I just posted below:

Brett Ratner thinks RottenTomatoes is ruining Hollywood, is wrong.

I’m probably going to be in the minority here, but I can’t stand Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard. I like Kristen as an actress, but her personality rubs me the wrong way. Dax just creeps me out.

Spencer ain’t having a good week...

Living in the UK now, I’ve yet to encounter one of these pyramid scheme ideas here. But a girl I know from (American) high school recently messaged me to say she just loved my recent selfie so much and my style was amaaaazing. We’d never spoken basically- she was a lot cooler than me- so I was genuinely touched and