
Fuck this bitch.

Yeah, this traumatized me C:

dude, sometimes it’s not worth it. You don’t deserve to die because of the stupidity and carelessness of an ahole.

Oh man.

Can you really call yourself an “ally” if you need to be rewarded all the damn time for being tolerant?

Not all of us has read the bible, lol. Not even out of curiosity.

As a kid of Mexican parents, it really seems like it’s something else that yt folks over exaggerate about.

Like you actually give a shit about Chicago. If you do, why not volunteer to help underprivileged youth, eh?


You did! At least squirrels are cute and innocent and not involved w/ the Russians!

Hey, HEY!

Sweetie. Arnold is faaaaar from being a “woke bro.”

Not a photojournalist (been one of my dream careers) but I hope you don’t mind my input. I think about being in the zone. They’re not there to protect but to capture the moment. To capture that iconic shot that tells the story, and the feelings.

It looks nice.

Umm, you had the NRA use clips of the MSM so they can mobilize their members to cause harm to liberals. You have journalists who are threatened b/c of the content POS45 supporters see/read online/etc.

Hmm, I don’t think you really know the history of Dr. MLK. I suggest you read more about him than what our schools have (pathetically) taught about him.

Can I steal your response? I think it’s so perfect. Some folks like to quote and use MLK, but would they have participated in his protests? Would they have agreed with laws that allowed motorists to run him over?

“I just don’t think portraying this kind of alt-history is dangerous.”

My apologies. What I’ve read is they were asked to join after the backlash.

Of course! They may not be racist, but they certainly aren’t aware.