
I have mixed feelings on this one. This is sort of the argument that US car companies came up with in the 80s when they somehow got Japanese manufactures to agree to voluntarily limit how many Japanese cars were being imported because of how much better they were and how much better they sold compare to “good old

As a former Briton who brexited a while back, yeah, I feel like we better understand the distinction between patriotism (good pride) and nationalism (stupid skinhead pride).

If a product’s marketing is geared towards pointing out that it’s made in the US (bonus points by veterans) and not its features, utility, and/or quality of said product, I buy from a competitor that is focused on the last 3.

It’s a quandary. Do you support the blue collar workers by buying from a foreign corporation, with American built vehicles; or do you support the white collar workers by buying from an American corporation, with foreign built vehicles? Both options feed into the American economy in their own way.

“you are correct we live in a global society”

I don’t know about the other countries, but if I saw something that claimed it was proudly made in Britain, I’d feel like I’d have to start looking for the rest of it

Pfffft! You guys actually close your Jalopnik browser window?

because that’s way more convenient than going to an internet web browser, typing J...A...L, etc. etc.

Emailed Morning Shift? Something that I can read during my Morning S.....

E-mail only, sad, any plan to offer a Fax delivery ? I like to print my own.

“since I’m not in the business of re-using old U-bolts”

Needs more Donk:

So Ford “scrapped” the “focus active” and now they release a car that by all means looks like it could be called a “focus active”, but they are gonna call it the “escape”.

Judging by the front quarter, if they lowered it, they’d have a 2012 Mazda3.

See his route above? Just follow along and pick them up as they fall off!

You better keep that bottle far, far away from my Jeep. 

Far away. You’re scaring it.

Failure is always an option, I’ve been perfecting it for years.

Jeez, it’s too bad you don’t have another Jeep that you could press into service in a pinch. You should think about buying a spare. 

What 122 heartless bastards voted CP on this?! Show yourselves!

buy now