Yeah, I suppose a HD clutch needed for towing would weed out those that don’t do “leg day” in the gym.
Yeah, I suppose a HD clutch needed for towing would weed out those that don’t do “leg day” in the gym.
Without any irony at all, out of all the things I did today making this GIF is what I am most proud of.
I like the cut of this man’s jib.
Aka the “I’m brave enough to order a first-year FCA product” badging.
How about a heater bypass system. After all a heater has a mini rad in it. Blast the heater on full and have a bypass duct to shoot the hot air out of the car. We all know about the run your heater when the eingine is overheating thing.
I have numerous co-workers who overland. However, despite that, I don’t really know what it entails. As far as I can tell ( and this isn’t meant to be a dig at Overlanding, I’m genuinely curious), it means spending a bunch of money on off-road and camping modifications, taking your rig down easy firetrails, then…
whoa cool cameo by Andrew’s iPhone SE
With removable doors would that make it a “BJ Cruiser exhibition” spec?
AND you can still get it with a Twin Turbo V6 with over 350 HP.... Rad.
The headliner isn’t loose... it’s just friendly.
My current car has hail dents so it‘ll feel right as rain.
As long as irritable old men like myself exist, there'll be manuals. We might at some point have to go all David Tracy on some crusher salvage, but there'll be manuals damnit.
Rally courses? WTF?
I think you’ve actually stumbled onto a different truth here. Autocross (at least aggressive driving) is probably the easiest way to learn stick, because for a beginner it’s all about just finding the right gear. There’s no finessing the clutch or trying to shift smoothly, it’s just jam the clutch pedal, throw it…
Nothing like learning how with someone else’s Clutch.
Technically, it is a 4-door. ;-)