I think my floors are made of glass, because I can see through them.
I think my floors are made of glass, because I can see through them.
Based on the pictures you’ve posted of your house, you should probably plan on wearing full PPE at all times. Even in the bathroom. Especially in the bathroom.
I’m glad you’re feeling better david!
...will fleece you like a sheep then charge you for the sweater.
It’s a delightful & spot-on gif! (And a smart, filthy, hilarious show)
Don’t like reading the “garbage life” thing, Stef-everything OK? I’ve always enjoyed your work over the years, though I know that’s little consolation in such a difficult industry in its’ current state.
I think he's trolling you, maybe he has a storage garage with his real car he goes to pick up when he's not messing with you?
Where’s the “crack pipe” option? Solidly crack pipe.
You just got one hell of a deal
2 door. Be still my beating heart. I may never have this car but I love this car so much.
My coworker just sold me his single-cab ‘98 Tacoma for only $700. It’s got 220,000 miles on the clock, and some cosmetic issues, but runs great. I am super excite!
Two words: Cell phones
I can see that tech making wonders to camera lenses, a front element welded to the chassis would make it virtually impenetrable to dust and moisture
Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night can stop David Tracy from being a complete psychopath who saves rust in a bag.