
E. Lon Hubbard

Hello son. Grow some doors already, why don’t you!

Yeah. Get the J10 or Golden Eagle ready for the Safari. That's be cool. 

So much this. I want a decent retirement, but I don’t plan to live high on the hog while retired either. Moderation now, moderation then.

Wait... you’re right, carry on.

I love this tweet from the award-winning Lawrence PD

The millionaires are correct when they say your car is not an investment.

1. Stop buying vehicles as “investments”. That is what businesses and multi-millionaires what more money than sense do. Even if you are going to flip the vehicle (Turn around and sell it) on a lease in 3 years, get something you might actually want to keep or at least miss when you do flip it.


I mean - if you were going to buy a $63,000 vehicle with no money down for 180 months because of 0%, an F-150 would be one of the better choices from a longevity/resale standpoint.

That’s quite an Alfa move if you know what I am saying. 

I’m so happy we get to see him race in F1 for 2 more years.

high-brown racing politics

If you can’t fix an Alfa you shouldn’t drive one

I never will understand the whole idea of big rims on a 4WD truck. My Land Cruiser has 18" wheels. If anything, I would go down in size to a 17" wheel, rather than up to a 20" wheel.

Was the captain named Kinja?

Well it takes a long time to convert that non draw-bridge to a draw-bridge. I’m sure that now that the Koreans know he wants to go through, they’ll have it built and open within a decade.

0.086 doesn’t seem like “sail a cargo vessel into a bridge” level of BAC.

That’s nothing;a drunk American plowed into a bunch of Chinese last week!
