That engine chews through petrol mate.
That engine chews through petrol mate.
My friend and I stick to the basics; two bags of grass, 75 pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two…
For now...
That sound you heard was my little crush on you evaporating into thin air, darling. Just. How?
This is really picky considering how amazing the rest of it looks, but I don’t like the badging up high on the tailgate.
There’s a fine line between a messy car and mental illness. Some of these stories are a hop, skip & jump over that line.
Austin High, huh? Yeah, y’all and Bowie were our biggest rivals. Nowadays, it’s Lake Travis HS, but we didn’t play them when I went there (Class of ‘95).
Dallas: The place loved the most by Yankees and Californians!! Plenty of fantastic tofu taco joints!!!
Houston is a filled-in swamp with trailer parks full of the people your mama warned you about. Zero diversity and crappy food. Stay away, as you’ll catch the Zika if you even come close to the area.
Give them time. Chrysler has been producing defective vehicles for decades.
nope. youre not allowed to stop your car anywhere in austin.
It’s 1 million percent true. All of the people out there thinking about moving here should get that thought out of their head immediately. Hell, people who recently moved here should get out now while they still can.
The German rainbow =/= Porsche rainbow.
Probably about half. So tree... tree fiddy.
“Don’t go to Rainey Street.”
thank you... odds are ill have to stream it then
Reverse: OPEC makes baby boomers wait in line for gasoline, 1973