
Yeah I was expecting him to call it MLK Awareness day

But you ain’t got to tell them we’re coming

Hey Favre did it too and threw like 5 TD passes on MNF

Sure hope they stick with the colors here. I know they used black and grey earlier and now have this strange prototype car wacky color scheme, but I like it.

Growing up I described my preference for Mercedes sedans as my dream car/wall poster pick as “they have windshield wipers on the headlights!”

A sport is any GAME that is organized into a competition. Monopoly is a game, not a sport. If there is a professional Monopoly league organized, then it would be a sporting event. CSGO is a game. When it is played in a league with rules and prize money that is a sport.

A Mary Kei car?

How about a bill that says if you don’t know what to do when you see a pedestrian on the roadway you lose your license for life. I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t be trusted near any school crossing.

I simply assume all Caucasians cast a ballot for him. I know that seems wrong, but trust me, the ones who didn’t will let you know within .001 milliseconds of meeting you

You think MOBAs are bad, wait until you try an Overwatch play.... aaaand let’s roll that back from each player’s perspective to see the exact chain of abilities that were used. Oop didn’t quite catch it all so maybe once more...

Ronda moved side to side like Glass Joe falling down

Ah the next Richard Sandrak

I just carry around a spedometer face

Buy soon and be one of those people in 2008 whose house value was cut in half? No no, save up a lot of cash then buy when the economy is ruined. You’ll be a millionaire 5 years later like some of my friends whose lives happened to be the right number of years out of college to have their buy a house time coincide with

This is how weird it gets when you live in one of the few countries that wouldn’t have many officials physically dragged into the streets by now. Remember when the Egyptian people were like hey shit sounds a little shady and then proceeded to take over their own government buildings? That doesn’t happen here so we get

Yeah but is it from “rowdy” or is it just a slang term from nowhere? IIRC it is pronounced r-OW not r-OH?

You mean the real world isn’t as black and white as we paint it!?

I prefer the last second Stanford band type play then having the kicker botch the easy extra point

I guess I am confused how this isn’t just WiiU: Rebooted

Why is the base always a large group of uneducated political know-nothings? What a sight to see rich old Black power brokers happy to pull the wool over our generation’s eyes. No wonder Sanders slams the wealthy, they are corrupt no matter what side of the aisle they sit. Should have taken note when old civil rights