
Yeah a certain other candidate was going to win by 10 million by a lot of number crunchers. Maybe that’s the flaw in courting old power in a new age.

In a more realpolitik sense, our aid to Africa is keeping our gas cheap, and us safe. China is actually starting to compete in Africa with aid, and gaining influence the same way we did during the Cold War. This influence is important, because of the huge amount of natural resources we benefit from. It is our oil

Well there really should be a feature in the middle where the game only shuts off at a certain place, such as an auto-save or after the conclusion of a race. Of course if the parent is home they can just assess the timing, but this seems to assume they are away from home. It’s 2017, a system that will include such a


Don’t let that sportscaster ever call any combat sport. If he thinks the goalie “stumbled down” he missed 2 punches that landed and a head that smacked on the ice

Are we sure Dee isn’t MC Pee Pants? Pretty sure I know that voice...

Corden will play an insurance investigator who grows suspicious of them.

Yeah the more likely a job is a career the less susceptible a union is to corruption. If you have 18 year olds cashiering at a grocery store they aren’t going to be there long enough to invest in the union. That doesn’t mean that a union is the wrong option. It means people need to suck less and take more

I‎’m committed to finding solutions that allow for prescription drug importation with adequate safety standards.

“People have to raise their salaries” is something he just said, also.

“But wouldn’t you want to watch it... if we added... a BLACK guy!” - How people think the world works, and then write shitty conspiracy columns based on this stupid belief.

The problem is that Black people don’t have some sort of radar that alerts them whenever Black people they don’t follow are elected to an All Star game in a sport they don’t care about. I mean, if an American makes it on a Premier League team, it is luck if I hear about it, and never going to change how much EPL I

Carson doesn’t look like a morning person

Even worse it ruined his Veganuary resolution.

Bollywood dances are fun so it’s totes okay to appropriate their slightly related cultural dance styles and add an exotic spice to our choreography!

I can’t wait to be Freddy from Five Nights

So of course I want to develop my own boss “pattern” and see which works best in these fights, or if the AI good guys can “learn” but that’s probably a bit too NMS hopeful

The real life equivalent has a podcast and puts you on blast the moment she needs to validate herself

Their voters have proven that they’ll vote Republican no matter what valid criticism can be lobbed at the party. They just did this.