
The hub idea sounds like they should invent some sort of “rail” road where you just kinda send all the containers together to these places, then a truck driver takes the individual parts on a more local route. If it got big enough you could have a transcontinental “rail” road system.

I am assuming that once solar is rolled out enough that humans and their biological energy source won’t be as worthwhile as a solar powered/charged drone to execute the same task. I feel that we are still at a point where it costs too much to have a drone make that delivery over a human who you just pay to feed/charge

Some Memes have transcended into Timelessness. This is one of them and it will never age.

I was surprised that Gravity won because it looked so garbage/fake

I think you meant Alex Jones... are they related?

Man Alex Jones is gonna forget all about warning us about cell phone brain tumors when he sees this!

He knows those can all be hosted at a different dot right? Like “.net”

We are all thankful that we won’t be subjected to his endorsement of Trump to a Paparazzo exclusively on TMZ.com. RIP young man

Is this mostly that there is such a divergence between Europe and the US in development routes? I mean, our IP for a long time was about making cars for consumption, while European makers had a head start in making cars for conservation? So GM is the Research In Motion of Europe in a way where they are too far behind

Fun fact I just made up but hey it could be true if Fox News reads this comment and sources it for a story: Diamond companies were some of the biggest donators towards gay marriage because they aim to prop up slumping sales by selling double the engagement rings!

I blame the Chinese for gun violence because they invented gunpowder.

I mean it is obvious that he is a blowhard. A sane person could recognize that he isn’t trying to state a fact and is mad when people treat them as such. The issue is that so many millions of people take his words as fact, and I think neither they, nor he, grasps that they misunderstand each other. We are left out

PBS isn’t CPB... PBS is like NPR, and is self sufficient enough from Member stations not to die if CPB is eliminated... This is less of a threat than something like cutting federal funding to Planned Parenthood. Yet YES it is still an important issue, but the stories about things going away are ignorant of the whole

They have special devices invented by elon musk

Fight or flight or never leave the house

This guy thinks astronauts make more than the President of the Yankees?

Damn they should do more outdoor/location concerts like this

Is someone blaming the girlfriends? Or did they word “choosing to pursue a relationship” in a way that is mangling the point? We could have a larger conversation about worker’s rights and if time in game should be restricted, so players aren’t putting in these 12 hour days, and then would have time to do other things,

The already objectified part is where I would assume this project could defend itself as fair use. Because of the initial issues with Blizzard on the character design, this project is a commentary on that debate. But oh well. The art is very well done.

Right Wing media stretching the truth?! UNHEARD OF!