
Surprisingly the songs from the movie are super catchy and well written. The soundtrack was produced by Babyface and voiced from Kay Hanley from Letters to Cleo .

Terrible movie, great soundtrack!

"Riverbottom Nightmare Band" rocks so. damn. hard.

After I had fully taken in last night's episode, I turned to my husband and said, "Parks and Rec just did flawlessly what HIMYM completely failed at." His response, "Jesus, you're still not over that???"

Failure 2: Failure to Fail.

I saw this movie in the theater, and my brother and I have always had a bunch of inside jokes about it, including singing this song over and over again. I even had it on my iPod (!) in college for sheer nostalgia sake. A few years ago, I bought the DVD, gave it a watch and good grief, it is not as magical as I

I thought it was "sweet savoir faire," as well! And I had idea what the hell it meant!

He really in in a League of his Own.

Yeah, he's pretty prolific (especially during sporting events), so it's tough to weed through. His long story about meeting Robin Williams was incredible (posted just after Williams died). His big ones usually get picked up somewhere, so you might have some luck searching around online to find more.

Every time he does one of these long-form Twitter stories, I'm captivated. He's such a good storyteller, and knows how to break up the lines perfectly.

Give the little lord some sweets!

I'm trying so hard to conjure that song in my head, but all I'm coming up with is the theme from "Family Matters."

Oooohhhh man. Yes. I love that song, but I can't stop thinking about my incredibly-close cousin who died at 19 in a car accident every time I hear it. May have teared up a couple times while seeing them play it live. "Young girls ain't supposed to die on a Saturday night…" Good GRIEF.

Hey Q form Milwaukee!

The most hilarious unintentional license plate number I've ever seen in the wild.

My boss just moved into the cube behind me…and we have half-walls…and she has a stand-up desk. So, basically, my boss is literally standing up, watching me from behind my back all day! It's really cutting into my dicking-around-on-the-Internet time. The only reason I'm here right now is because she's in a meeting, and

Hey, me too!

Oh no. I'm not going to downvote you, but I cannot support this.

I cry every single time the narration gets to that part. Like, big crocodile tears, streaming down my face. I know it's coming, but I just can't help it.

While I wasn't a huge fan of the Grizzl storyline, if it means we'll be seeing a lot less of Jorma Taccone, I'll be pretty sad. His schtick killed me in the last couple episodes, and got some of the biggest laughs out of me. He's just so tight about being chill.