
I've listened to this record three times in a row this morning and probably won't stop as long as I'm sitting at my desk. It's filled of a lot of what made On This Impossible Past an all-time favorite of mine, particularly the title track, which could've been plucked straight from that album. I had super high hopes

With Japandroids, Cloud Nothings, Ty Segall, Sinai Vessel, and Fred Thomas releases, January 27 looks to be a very, very busy day for my headphones.

I can only imagine how difficult this had to be to type out. But thank you for doing so. A touching, heartwrenching story that I'm so glad has a bright ending. We're all better from reading your words. Thank you, Sean.


I jotted this one down as a record I'd maybe eventually get to sometime this month, and am so thankful I decided to give it a shot today on its release date. I'm really, really digging it. So dreamy and sad and, hot damn, those vocals.


A few years ago, I was elated to learn that the first two seasons of Hey Dude were to be released on DVD. A sucker for nostalgia and a MAJOR Nickelodeon fan in the early '90s, I pre-ordered the DVDs, and when they arrived, I settled in to be whisked back to my childhood, with my friends Ted, Melody, Brad, Danny, Bud,

I'm totally with you there. I enjoyed Somewhere Else, but thought I'd only give it a couple listens before settling back in with Indestructible Machine for the 50th time. Now, I really love it from front to back. She's an incredible songwriter, funny, brutally introspective, and puts on a great live show, too. I've

This has been one of my most-anticipated albums of the year, and I'm so glad, after about five listens this week, to say it's certainly delivered. It's mindboggling how incredible the Philly music scene is right now, and these dudes are one of the best of the bunch.

What a big doi doi!

It's because every piece of the Sister Act 2 puzzle is absolutely perfect. It is a perfect film.

"Heeeey Abbott!"

Oh God, every time I pass a toll I quote that line. No one I've ever been in the car with has understood what in the hell I'm talking about.

I think I like them about equally, although when Men in Tights came out, as a nine-year old I thought it was about the funniest thing I'd ever scene.

Something about the way the Emilio Estevez/Chris Klein character perfectly whips around to whine "Cut it out!!" and then mouths "…stop" in the Breakfast Club scene just kills me. That movie is way better than it has any right to be.

I was confused, too. I thought he was still trying to gauge his relationship with Nasim Pedrad's character in the previous episode?

My husband and I were doing the laugh-so-hard-you're-completely-silent thing through that whole reading. Marvelous work.

Aw shit, I just made this joke to someone and thought I was the Most Clever Person Alive!

Absolutely hated Hazel. I can't watch those episodes anymore (which is ultimately fine because they're pretty weak even when she's not making unnecessary mischief). And it did sour me on Kristen Schaal for a while. When I saw her show up on Last Man on Earth, I thought that was it for me. There's no way I could watch

I absolutely adore The Middle's callbacks. I'm not sure when "fixing the light" first became a thing, but coincidentally, last night after this episode I caught a season 3 episode of The Middle ("The Wedding") in syndication, where Frankie is desperately trying to clean the house to prepare it for Rusty's would-be