
The most important sporting event of this weekend.

I do the same thing! It's a fun game, and you're right about 90% of the time.

(but also….it's seven.)

Not even a mouse on a wheel!

Totally reminds me of a great Pete Holmes bit, about his mother being so excited about going to see that skinny French-Canadian recording artist: "Your father got me tickets to my favorite recording artist, Salon Dijon!"

My first thought was "This is kind of an old news story."
My second thought was "That can only mean one thing….O'NEAL."
My third thought was "Magic."

My 64-year-old dad went to see that movie in the theater. Alone.

It really bothers me when people pronounce it Pin-ter-est. 95% of the people I've talked to about it pronounce it like it rhymes with "interest" too.

That's the key. I've worked out pretty hard since I was about 15…logged hours at a time at the gym, and, while I wasn't really gaining weight, I wasn't losing, either. Then, a few years ago, I made a few small changes in the way I ate (y'know, I don't really need that mid-afternoon gummy worm break every day…), and,

It's so great when you imagine his voice saying that.

Never heard of it.

I also enjoy this place!

That would be the *mitten* bump.

Rachel claims her favorite movie is: Dangerous Liaisons.

I was playing a board game with my parents over Christmas and one of the questions was "Name Three Characters from the Show 'Friends.'" My dad's answers were Shirley, Dorothy and….Rachel (which, as it happens, is my sister's name).

I love that scene! I believe it's "All By Myself" that's playing in the background. Just perfect.

"Here lies Senor Spielborgo…"

The writer of this article was in my criticism and review class in college, and he was an f'ing superstar from day one. He didn't need the class, he's got the understanding. I always appreciate the angles he takes when he reviews things.

Obviously I don't! But thank you for pointing it out.

Hard Candy Christmas is goddamned amazing.