
I mean, say what you will about the rest of their music, but both Celine Dion and Josh Groban give me goose bumps when they hit the big note (I believe it's "Noel?") at the end.

YES. This, and "What's Child Is This." It bothers me a little to be agnostic and still love both these tunes so much.

Anyone follow Mindy Lahiri's Closet tumblr? It rounds up all her outfits from every episodes and tells you where you can buy them/who is the designer. Sadly, that green and silver number is custom.

Yes! Really tugged at your developing heartstrings.

There are many things to love about this special, but for some reason as a kid (and even today), I thought the way all the Arbuckles' mouths jutted out as they "oooooooohhhed" at the glowing Christmas tree was hysterical.

Of course, I'll buy this DVD, but it's not going to be the same without Ronald McDonald and the gang finding a shooting star that'd fallen down to Earth, then setting it free again. Or the 7UP commercial touting the advent calendar where you glue cotton balls on the picture of Santa to make his beard.

I remember listening to them for the first time right when this album came out and thinking, "Whhaaa?? Who is THIS?!" I loved it from start to finish and it spent most of the summer in very heavy rotation. So glad you're attempting to create more awareness for them.

Today is great! Got into the office and was met with delicious pastries, mimosas, and a full Bloody Mary bar—all for the handful of schleps who are here today. Drinking a Bloody Mary (with lime, cheese stick and beef stick. And a beer chaser, the Wisconsin way) at 8:00 a.m. at your desk is at the top of my list of

"I guess I heard original sin, I heard the dudes blamed the chick, I head the chick blamed the snake. And I they were naked when they got busted, and I heard things ain't been the same since."

This was the soundtrack to my sophomore year of college. Almost a permanent fixture in my headphones as I walked to and from classes, stayed up late studying or just fucking around. It was the year after my 20-year-old cousin had died, and I was just beginning to question my stance on religion and Christianity (after

Good lord what a good bill. I'm still so sad I never got to see Constantines live.

I keep holding out hope that I'll hear "Killer Parties" live one of these days…haven't yet. I'm sure I'd cry, as well.

I don't wanna hear it.

I'm so old that when I went to camp fucking Jesus Christ was my camp counselor!

In college, I spent one summer and a month of winter break working at a plastics factory that made parts for Hondas. Bumpers, air vents, interior consoles…I worked on about four or five different lines, but I spent most of the time clipping off excess tags from Honda Pilot bumpers, sanding those spots down and placing

I have a signed first edition of Welcome to the Monkey House, which I
did not get on my own. Though I planned to bring it to get it signed
again by Vonnegut when he was coming to my hometown
bookstore…scheduled two weeks after he died :(

Silver Jews! And every other band you listed!

I've been offered a full-time position at the magazine where I've been a contributing editor for the past 10 months…two weeks before my deadline to talk to my boss about whether I had a future there!

Enjoy! It's wonderful!

Nah. I was a little drunk while watching and it was still terrible.