I can’t condone doing this to a clean title NA. They’re only getting harder to find, high mileage or otherwise
I can’t condone doing this to a clean title NA. They’re only getting harder to find, high mileage or otherwise
“When Slovenia sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing violent insurrection. They support putting children in cages. They really don’t care. And some, I assume, are good people”
Exhibit A of the fact that is no liberal media bias or liberal bias of any kind in this country. Can you imagine any prominent liberal figure taking this stance? They know they will get buried even by their base, so every support of any kind of protest is always preceded by non-violence.
“I’m not racist, I have a few black friends.”
And she’s married to a white man. Just because she adopted two Black children doesn't mean she's incapable of racism.
If they expand the Court, Democrats should appoint Anita Hill to it just to see if they can make this treason-adjacent creep squirm and resign.
It is ludicrous that he could believe he can somehow get his fellow conservative justices to back him on overturning same-sex marriage and birth control, but not interracial marriage. I mean, has he MET Amy Barrett? That white conservative christian woman is exactly the type of person to decide that Loving v Virginia…
All Trump did was wonder aloud if someone would rid him of these troublesome election workers. Nothing bad has ever come of something like that. /s
I saw it. She and her mother were simply doing their jobs. Then Trump and his followers made their lives a living hell.
No one gives a flying fuck what you think.
No. Damn, I just dropped them in once. Not sure where the hell the triple repetition came from.
That ain’t all.
“Ultimately what I think is truthful was that they were both abusive to each other.”
And because she was upset and he wasn’t, he’s more believeable. This is such bullshit. Maybe she was upset because what she was saying was true and painful to recall, and he wasn’t because he was repeating a lie he cooked up and couldn’t get all that emotional about it.
This reads exactly like someone that responded to me online.
I’m not entirely sure what specific brand of Christianity Cruz adheres to, but it may be one that tamps down any “deviant” sexual thoughts and basically forces you to get married and procreate. So it very well be that the only times he’s had sex with his wife were to impregnate her.
Are you sure they're his kids? I imagine him with a diaper fetish (look ma, I'm a baby again!).....
Indeed.. I’d have thought their story would have been leading under the Dirt Bag banner and not the battle of the 2 Kylie’s..
Uh yah, slapping someone’s ass at work, or you know in general without consent, is a bad thing; as are the text messages he sent, and the allegation of sexual assault (let’s call fondling breasts what it is). You say he has no recourse to defend himself, right after noting that he denied the assault allegations, so…
Releasing The Flash as is is becoming more and more problematic for DC/Warner by the minute. I don’t know how you market your superhero movie with a lead who not only randomly assaults people (bad enough), but is now also revealed to be a predator?