
I had a BMW dealership selling me my Volvo XC60 RD beat my pre-approved financing of 0.99% financing with 0.49%. On a 2-year old used car with 26,000 miles. I took it. Still blown away how that even happened and they made money... but heck was cheaper for me!

#daveramsey is great for debt consolidation, but if you can get a 1.49% loan with an awesome credit score, then take out the loan, put the cash in a safe-ish stock market or ETF, and let the money pay you to drive your car AND the interest on the loan...

I’d even take it one step further and say negotiate on 1 thing, out-the-door price. I don’t care if you give me $1 for my trade-in car if you sell the damn car to me for the agreed on $30,001 out the door difference of $30k. Have financing in hand, and cast a wide net... you might be surprised what you find when you

By watching the Jones’ lose their house and cars when a blip of a downturn hits of course.

You can store Netflix shows locally. There isn’t even a need for this article in the first place...

Surely you must be joking. The entire gauge cluster is one entire screen that can be customized for every driving profile... Of COURSE I think it looks 10x better!

I never order stuff for the first time, but I reorder quite literally most weeks if not more often than that.

Agree, but my friend was validation that it was worth the non-refundable $500 to get the separate name brand dealer PPI done, also paid by me. I’m not dropping $700 on a car before someone I know validates its worth pursuing further.

I think you are misunderstanding my situation. I needed the dealership salesperson to take it to another dealership for PPI. That lost 2-3 hours of work was their concern.

Yes I should clarify. I am in KS, purchasing a car in Atlanta. Brand dealership is ~6 minutes down the road.

Nice find. I may just PM the dealer with my “interest” and ask them the same question!


Also it's very clear this article was written by someone on the way out.

As the proud owner of a 10 XC60 RD in passion red I can comfortably state that I love how few ppl I see driving Volvo's but the new 90 is everywhere. People are always dosn to earth, friendly, and fun people who love the understated luxury, it's like a hidden gem. Ive surprised a lot of TL type S owners, Cayman, focus

I mean the current one has it IN THE FREAKING HEADLIGHT or DRL or whatever you want to call it... I’m pretty sure that is more badass than this. Also it is currently only on one side, so not sure why they would add this new one to both sides?

Agreed, if someone says the car is $20k all-in, and I get a cashiers check for $20k and I don’t walk away with a car, that’s complete bull.

Volvo does this with Polestar tunes.

People don’t actually PURCHASE these cars, they take out crazy loans they can’t afford to live the high life, and overpay at the same time because monthly payments seem way easier than looking at the entire picture. I personally know 3 people under water on loans for their fancy BMWs/F-250.

Lol, if instead of spending 30k on a Subaru I spend 10k on something else reliable (used), then I have 20k both earning interest AND not going out of the bank each month for a payment.

I sent a friend to get some new antifreeze for replacing his water pump, told him to just ask the guy to look up the system capacity and divide by 2 and get the undiluted stuff.