
It might be good, but hard to fill the shoes belonging to Phillip and Elizabeth Jennings...

But now no decent parent would let their children near Disney, which has become the equivalent of a guy in a van circling an elementary school, offering candy, and holding a camera.

I like Maron’s view on these jokes, especially Rife's apology with the special needs helmet - it’s so fucking hack. We’re kind of doing a disservice to the shittiness of the jokes by talking about whether or not they’re “offensive.” They’re just examples of middle of the road hack comedy. That should be the story, and

Do it you little bitch.  Not all the money in the world will change the fact your from a slave state, your dad doesn't love you, you barely invented anything, and you openly praised a neo nazi who blamed the Jews for all the worlds problems in the middle of a war with Palestine and Israel.  

So he’s suing over the reporting of things he said and did....in public?

All due respect, though.

The W.B. board reportedly still has complete confidence in him

Parking pages in an attempt to skim some of JustWatch’s clicks? The doomsday clock on this site just ticked over to 11:59.

Someone didn’t see the trailer for “Bad Dads”

What’s really frustrating is that, by law, this is the only movie, TV show, or book about World War II that can exist.  So everything it leaves out about World War II will be lost to time forever.  

I agree. It’s outrageous that this television miniseries does not show every single event and participant in World War II.

That’s the whole point of the push for top-to-bottom automation — so the wealthy can completely eliminate any dependence they have on the rest of humanity, once and for all. Sure, it won’t be ‘as good’ as what actual people can do, but it’ll be good enough that they won’t care anymore, because it’ll be infinite,

The studios have no doubt been licking their lips at the prospect of scanning actors and reusing them endlessly in whatever they fancy for free. They’re not going to give that up easily.

Someone in administration knew AI executive order wouldn’t get press. So they threw in Tom Cruise movie reference to get Entertainment news to pick it up.

That’s why I watched both Go On and Mr. Sunshine. I liked them both, despite their obvious weaknesses. But Perry alone was reason for me to check both shows out, at least.

Uh, Vinny is the other “Matt” friend, Matt Leblanc.

I keep thinking that too - I was certain it came and went a year ago. 

“This is why it's bad when one big company controls lots of stuff." Yeah, this site's parent company being a prime example.

Without further adieu