It’s hard to sustain a gang dance fight when everyone’s carrying AKs
It’s hard to sustain a gang dance fight when everyone’s carrying AKs
“And the number one band in America this week... Better Than Ezra.
Your two favorites together (which you’ve probably watched dozens of times).
I’m sure he’ll have plenty of well-wishers, and a lot of them would like to throw him down one.
Isn’t just about everyone “much better than Adam Carolla,” though?
I’ve never seen so many dead hookers in all my life!
The character doesn’t have a whole lot to do, but Renner does get some great lines, and some great line delivery. His pep speech to Wanda in Age of Ultron was one of my favorite moments in a movie I overall wasn’t crazy about, and I loved that exchange in Civil War, amidst all the fighting and chaos: “We’re still…
Agreed. He’s a huge part of the reason why IM3 is my favorite of that series. The comics Mandarin is a garbage character and always was. The IM3 fakeout is brilliant, and the way Shang-Chi creates a new character (instead of reverting to the old, terrible one from the comics) is good too. They can both be good!
On one hand, I know it’s the height of smugness to gather Hollywood’s A-list for (what I presume will be) a dunk-fest on American ignorance/paranoia/right-wing propaganda.
He called me and said, “I’m a li’l woozy, dirt.”
That diamond getting ripped out resulted in a lil oozy hurt.
It always makes think about James Gunn. He wrote some of the nastiest things someone could write on twitter but was given a pass by far too many people because he was a very outspoken liberal. No one should be given a pass for bullshit behavior no matter which side of the political spectrum they fall on.
It’s probably the #aznpride* talking, but I really really liked this movie. I didn’t see Shang as some faceless cypher without any character arc. He hid from his past because of family, but in the end re-embraced his past for the same reason. Sure, there wasn’t a lot of time to get in depth with it, but I think we’re…
Have you ever dated a woman? They have been known to change many things about their hair upon occasion. This is akin to gun geeks obsessing over technical inaccuracies.
Very commonly used in business circles as a subregion of EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa). It’s funny how often people who complain about wokeness, and everybody being offended by terminology, get offended by terminology that is new to them.
After the last 4 years of T#### I see no need to pass on misinformation. If someone doesn’t like the actual policies and says so, that’s one thing - they can be examined. But the beliefs about this are entirely fabricated, in large part by Jay Leno’s writing staff, and I cannot help but think that it played a part in…
Lovely, but incorrect.
I’m not being contrarian. The second film turned Wick from a force of nature into a moron, and the third filmed turned him into a patsy.
It does. Unfortunately, it’s the news coverage of every mass shooting.