
Because they own only 49% of it. British EON owns 51%. And MGM didn’t have enough money for some time so Sony co-financed and distributed Bond. Bond was originally an United Artists/ EON franchise. UA was ruined by Michael Cimino’s Heaven’s Gate and sold to MGM. If James Bond were a franchise by a classic Hollywood

Kraven’s Last Hunt is one of my favorite Spidey stories. I don’t know about a standalone, though.

What did you think Baby Driver lacked? I can’t conceive of anything the trailer could have overpromised on that wasn’t in the end product.

Did this article get submitted accidentally before it was finished?

I have known many, many military pilots, and I do not share your assessment of their competence.  Obama confirmed that they reported things.  I am sure that they did.  Many people report bigfoot as well.  Show me a corpse and we’ll talk.

It might be a good film, but the trailer is a cookie-cutter biopic trailer.

Has there been any movement to update the English language to better handle the pronoun needs of the non-binary? Using “they” and “their”, from simply a language perspective, is confusing as those words are already in use and imply multiple people. To be clear, I am fully in support of non-binary people being able to

Hello fellow ex-pat, people tend to have a very Ameri-centric viewpoint on these sites and anytime you say “hey, there are actual cultural differences between the US and the gigantic assortment of European cultures” you get shouted down like you’re some sort of idiot for suggesting any random European culture isn’t

10cities10years> “Spain owned up to its mistake. It’s been a learning experience in a deeply catholic country. Things are progressing! Great”

You’re in luck! That picture was from an interview Jay did with the cast the night of the finale. I didn’t see who is moderating this reunion.

Did you even read the comment you’re responding to, aside from the last word? Your reply makes zero sense.

I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t reskin Netflix’s UI and pretend it’s their own. HBOMax’s UI is so annoying. 

It’s a Mario-speak.

Oh now I understand. Variables!

We could spend decades just singing all the songs we’ve written.  But they don’t translate well.  

I mean, he’s clearly talking about “cancelled” as in “not renewed” or “not getting past the pilot stage,” but OK, whatever.

I’ve never understood how people shit on Tom Cruise and then are like “Well, I’m off to worship a God that lives in the sky and will return one day in a fiery judgement to kill everyone that’s not part of a our religion!

Honestly, everyone shits on Tom Cruise constantly because he is a member of a cult (I GET IT) but ignore good things like his implementation of COVID procedures to keep people employed and now giving back his Globes to use his star status for good. 

Family deaths and his transition to acting is why you don’t hear much from him anymore. As big as his comedy was, I enjoy his acting much more. Dude found his groove after a while.