
It’s not a blanket thing. Sometimes recasting works and sometimes it doesn’t. Recasting Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther would be a terrible idea. He meant too much to the fans and the Black community. Plus Marvel already has a history with Permutter’s comments regarding black actors being interchangeable. I’d be fine

The covid stuff is a big deal and sucks. The cat dissection seems to still occur and using an actual animal cadaver in dissection still has validity imo. I’m a vegetarian, was in highschool too, and still did it. For fucks sake people there’s cow parts all over the grocery store and pig parts and chicken parts etc.

I’m guessing he just showed up to set like that and nobody wanted to deal with his shit so they kept it. 

“What if, instead of reading a book, you could listen to some people discussing a topic one of them read about, briefly, a while ago?” 

I’m not a fan of Chapo Trap House, they’re kind in the area of Dirtbag Leftist that just seems to appeal exclusively to white dudes.

It is a dumb idea, but it’s exactly what an abuser would do, and to some degree it would work because people would in fact turn on her. Not saying he would come out ahead, but misogyny and slut/victim-shaming are powerful.

I am really surprised at the reception to Mank in the comments in general, and comparing this movie to Artist or Argo seem to be completely missing the point of the film . Though i wouldn’t be surprised if the nominations are because it’s a love letter to Hollywood or something ; when in fact it is the opposite.

Oof, that was really good, I hate it.

It’s a cold and it’s a broken

Everyone seeems to be reading the Squarespace ad the exact wrong way.

File this under who gives a shit. 

From an article 20 things you may not know about John Krasinski.

His dick

And now that is in your Google algorithm. Enjoy all the chastity belt ads you’re going to get.

I think I got that message in a fortune cookie once.

I empathize with him. My ex-wife still has my balls.

Well to tackle you first statement, this trailer was a minute long. How much character development were you expecting?

We know it, its right here on page 6 of that report we have on you.  We just tend to skim past it because the really juicy stuff about your freaky sex life is on page 10

Okay, they're BNL now?

Oh, OK, they’re BNL now.  We need a shorthand for the Barenaked Ladies now.  That’s how fundamental they are.