
I love the Last Jedi a lot, and think some of the criticisms trotted out against it are ludicrous, but I will say I feel some sympathy for the people who just don’t like it as a film and probably get roped into a lot of conversations they don’t want to be a part of.

I think the idea is to just get everyone fighting with each other in general. And it's working, seeing as how every article here about this movie turns into a big fight. It's only a matter of time for this one as well.

That accidental marriage arc was hilarious. I started watching reruns for the first time since its original run and the show holds up. Yeah, Seinfeld is funnier, but Friends isn’t that far behind, and depending on the mood I’m in, I might actually prefer to watch the show about people who aren’t all relentlessly

Woah, he called us ninnies. We’re truly fucked now

Well, he’s already clearly guilty of lying multiple times under oath, as well as not having the composure a Supreme Court Justice needs, so maybe it’s time to pick another partisan Republican-backed candidate anyway?

If I were falsely accused I too would be angry.

Right, because as we all know, decades of “high profile” public service make gang rape all better.

Luckily, he clearly isn’t.

While I think the sketch itself kind of lost focus at times, and the Graham thing was so much more subdued than the real thing, Damon was brilliant as Kavanaugh. I also think I got the main point they were going for with that regardless of the accusations, his demeanor in that hearing alone should disqualify him from

In America, crazy homeless people yell at you. In former Soviet Union, crazy American celebrities yell at homeless people. What a country!

It’s possible the “Lindsay Lohan” we know now is actually a half-insane Jamie Lee Curtis still trapped in her body.

... I don't get it

it’d be great if a basic cellular process which we all take for granted but without which life cannot survive were to cancel Alex Jones

It’s so, so much worse than this article suggests. For instance, 1) the custody battle is with his mistress. 2) Trump has chosen him for Communications Director, which is technically superior to Press Secretary. 3) He was replaced by Sean Spicer after his mistress revealed their love child.

I think he’s approaching the Presidential Advisor stage of his career.

I really love this great new feature: “Things Canceling Alex Jones”.

I’m surprised he was accepting anything other than gold bars and cryptocurrencies. 

He hates illegal immigrants (and, I’m sure, any immigrants whose skin is darker than his), AND Native Americans? Screw him.

Right?? Holy shit, the knife that cuts closest, cuts deepest.

Well if I wasn’t already curious and interested, I am after that lede. Can’t wait to check this out.