

And finally, there’s Sly and the Family Stone. They’re not really superheroes, though. More just like everyday people. 

You’re tearing me apart, symbiote!

I’d disagree with the notion that both parties aren’t responsible for the tribal divisiveness of current politics. But I’d also argue that one party is just a wee bit more responsible than the other. 

Avatar is a one-note franchise that doesn’t have much room for new stories outside of retreading the first movie

who is Antwan and why is he crying? (is he a fan of the DCU?)

I mean. It’s a sex cult where women are slaves to men.


This is the best Remy Zero joke I’ve heard all week.

there’s a place for weed in our cinematic discussion.

A lot of people are attributing this to Trump-era political focus, but I think another important factor is that Fallon is a hack comedian and sycophantic interviewer, whereas Colbert is actually good at his job. That might also be part of it.

You’re a generous grader.

the unstoppable march of time sure as shit gets a C- from me

It doubles as a review for the unstoppable march of time.

Ben Schwartz is one of the most delightful creatures on the face of the planet

That was brilliant! Now they have to bring him back next year.

Linda Rondstadt’s “You’re No Good” was an inspired song choice for the trailer.

I’m in the same boat. My ex is named Awkwafina, and just seeing her same name on the screen will be triggering.

I caught a “free” preview, but every thirty seconds I had to give the theater owner another quarter to keep watching.

Me have pretty simple explanation: Star Trek fans hate Star Trek. Or, more accurately, anything new related to Star Trek. People who paid full price to sit through GenerationsInsurrection and N——— are now trying to convince you that Abrams Trek is worst thing ever to happen to franchise. (STiD was pretty terrible,