
what should they do then? if they didn’t address it, people would complain. they did, and people still complain. there’s no winning.

I get it, but the flip side is if they didn’t talk about what had been going on and talk about potential change, we’d all be here complaining about how they didn’t talk about it or act like they were going to be different.

This isn’t the pivotal moment in my liking or not liking Radiohead. Maybe if Lana Del Rey was a struggling indie artist I’d have sympathy... But she’s a very successful and high profile major label act and even if the similarities were accidental someone in the chain should have caught the blatant similarity.

“I bet you hate that.”

But still what? Should they not protect their property?

“There are about a million songs with this underlying structure.”

God I am so sick of you.

It was like a M. Night Shyamalan movie; the twist was lackluster. 

This is not half as clever as you think it was.

let’s not forget the time he made up a passage from 1984 about a place called Tiny Train World and the Guardian posted it as an actual excerpt from 1984.

That is a bad take. The onus of determining whether news is real or fake goes to reporters / news outlets, not a Twitter comedian.

Farhad Manjoo is a self-important stick-in-the-ass and so are you.

Pixelated Boat pulled the same joke with Hillary Clinton’s book.

Johnny Carson once came back from a vacation with a (neatly trimmed) beard, and public response was overwhelmingly negative. And now he’s dead.

You’re One Of Them Little, Uh, Fancy Lads, Aren’t Ya? With David Letterman

Motherfuck Glenn Greenwald for giving them that term.

I got a Community notification for this?

I’m more interested what he thinks about the cops that worship the Punisher and put his logo on their cop cars. That’s the most horrifying one for me.


All things considered, there's no way that Donald J. Trump has not earned that title. His terribleness touches practically the entire globe.