100 cups of coffee

The rooms at the Wynn and Encore are great and all, and Bellagio is nice, but the wrap-around terrace suites at the Cosmopolitan are hands-down my favorite rooms in Vegas. Snag one overlooking the Bellagio fountains and you will never stay at the Bellagio again.

I live in Las Vegas. Sadly, I downloaded our bank account from since we moved here, and we’ve spent around $15K eating out in the last year. M Life (MGM’s rewards program) bumped our status because we spend so much money on food. It’s a bad place to live as a foodie.

Like the fact that she is anti-choice, supports overturning Roe, and supports fetal-personhood?

I take it you don’t know much about how she drove one of the most successful companies in America into the ground, resulting in 30,000 people laid off, or how when she was fired for it she was handed a $21mil golden parachute.

When Fiorina ran HP (AKA the company my mom has worked at for 30+ years), she ran it into the ground, forcing the biggest group of layoffs the company had seen in its entire existence. My mom lost her management position, and was luckily rehired, albeit as an ASSISTANT.

You mean the woman who has no concept of public health? Who thinks medical treatments are a matter of religious freedoms? Who says parents shouldn’t have to vaccinate their children?

If I’m doing my math correctly, a 2.8 second 0-60mph means that, in metric, this car could do the kessel run in approximately 7 parsecs.

Haha thanks. It’s kind of fun to remember when I taught US history, so this is reminiscing time =)

“Whose people did indeed fall on hard times after the slaves were freed.”

It’s exactly those things that makes this flag popular, I’m afraid. They love the idea of maintaining the confederacy and Jim Crow laws and would love to go back to the antebellum south, it’s just not acceptable to say so. So they stand behind a facade of “southern heritage” and “state’s rights”, but they know what

As a non-American my understanding of the arguments around the Confederate (Battle) Flag go like this -

“So, like he’s a gamer.”

To me, my opinion here, SWTOR is like a shiny version of WoW with better graphics and everyone has really nice butts. Bioware is obsessed with butts. Which I like. I’m a booty fan. So in a third person MMO where the only static thing on your screen is your characters behind, it better be a good behind. Which it is

You guys, my Jolie Kerr tribute band, Vinegar is Magic, is playing another show tomorrow night. As a reminder, the band consists of me singing a slightly off pitch rendition of “So Fresh, So Clean” in my shower over and over again. The show starts at 8:00pm, or whenever I get back from the gym. Nobody came last week,

He is a big history buff and wanted to tell a story with AC that connected a historical adventure to a modern character. He was going to wrap up the series with an ACIII, though not the one we played. He didn’t want to talk about it much at E3, but he was telling me that it was going to be set in America, but not the

...eight months of story/performance work on Uncharted 4 was thrown out...

Well if you pay them enough sex workers will say anything, Senator.

It’s not a secret but George Michael’s “One More Try” is my can’t lose if the track I picked won’t play.

Weezer - “Say It Ain’t So”