100 cups of coffee


It is still so hard for me to wrap my head around a company making good solid money, but a bunch of people that monitor the market think it should make more money, so that company is considered a “junk” option. To paraphrase a line from the Gladiator, “the mob is fickle brother”.

Regardless of whether fault ultimately lies with the audience or the publication (It’s a nuanced issue and I don’t have the depth of knowledge to say one way or another if the headline was unethical), it’s impossible to ignore the incredible amount of mileage that article got by sheer virtue of being a “left”

Not your fault, Melanie, and I’m sure you’ve done your homework on what is obviously an important story. But the fact that Gizmodo has never revisited its own behavior on the earlier, damaging FB news curation story does justify a certain amount of skepticism about this outlet’s reporting in this area more generally.

I would still read the shit out of Snacktaku focused on celery and carrot sticks.

Not the time nor the place. 

I’m glad you’re back!

But we all promise to be really supportive of Elder Fahey if he’s unable to snacktaku because of his high blood pressure, right? Right everybody?... <sniffle> 

Welcome back, Fahey. I’m absolutely certain my usual bloviations wouldn’t do what I want to say justice, so I’ll just say this:

You’ve been missed, sincerely, the entire time you’ve been away, and this community did not feel whole without you. You’re a goddamned boss for clawing your way back from what you suffered,

Jesus Christ Fahey we’ve got all these new Lays flavors and NOBODY’S TELLIN’ ME ABOUT ‘EM.

Back in March I suffered a devastating injury and was rushed to the hospital for emergency open heart surgery. Since

Jesus tap-dancing Christ, is this thread really happening? People get fucking mowed down by guns almost daily, and these motherfuckers come in here and bitch about memes? These motherfuckers get on you about “trivializing tragedy,” without stopping to think for a second that maybe you wouldn’t be posting this meme

Yes...because all those weapons are the same and they gun doesn’t have an advantage over all of them...but sure, whatever gun nut.

Fine...have it with everything but the gun then, gun nut.

I didn’t realize I was writing a policy paper.  I believe in the economy of short messages.

i wish you’d stop commenting too, because i think you’d only stop commenting if the fucking gun violence stopped and i wish the gun violence would stop. 

I wish there was an end in sight to the gun violence.

This is the natural conclusion to a society that tells you to look after yourself or suffer the consequences. We may worship “first responders” because they put others before themselves but it’s ultimately superficial.

Some adds: