By the time you read this, I will be road tripping up the West Coast, or perhaps crushed under an ancient, vengeful…
By the time you read this, I will be road tripping up the West Coast, or perhaps crushed under an ancient, vengeful…
It’s weird that this bit of fan-ingratiation had no effect on me, while the panicking black guy in the stormtrooper uniform piqued my interest a whole bunch - who is he? Why is he panicking? Holy shit, is that competent acting? In a Star Wars movie?
Then you should have gotten a D on that report.
Bought a Beatles box when they were around £50 new. New, fancy wireless guitar, wireless drums, and a new mic, plus the game, for £50? Sold!
Since I exported the songs from LEGO Rock Band so they became DLC, I'm seriously hoping they won't require me to get the game again to export them now. Rock Band 1 and 2 had serial codes to export the older songs to the newer games, did LEGO have that?
Yeah those Beatles guitars are crazy sturdy compared to all the other Rock Band instruments....Expensive as fuck now to get a hold of....Glad I bought all 3 when Rock Band Beatles launched
I have rescued you temporarily!
I'm in the same boat as a lot of people in that I was huge into the entire Rock Band craze on 360, but now I'm a PS4 gamer and haven't adopted a One yet. And that's obviously the only way to play. Either that or miss out on three entire games worth of songs plus probably at least like 50 DLC songs.
The biggest change I'd like to see is the end of weekly caps. I'd max out on crucible marks in a day. That's bull. I don't want to wait two or three weeks to earn gear, I'm a grown man let me do what I want with my own dang game. They're very inconsiderate of people's schedules. Like xur on the weekend, what if I work…
According to the email I got from Harmonix this morning. All downloaded content will transfer over to the new consoles!
Damn, you joke but you might be right. What a sad prospect. I'm in the 360 -> PS4 camp too. This is going to suck.
I'm in a similar boat but I'm not starting over. Like everyone says it would be cheaper to buy an xbone and I'm not at the point where I'm getting my play out of my PS4 to justify another console purchase.
I'm stoked. Only problem is that my 2000+ songs, 3 guitars, drums, and keyboard are all Xbox 360.....and I play PS4 these days.
I actually did a couple of playtest sessions at Bungie while Destiny was in development. One was a group session (I can confirm the "lock up the cell phones" treatment on that one, presumably it's too hard to monitor a group of 20+ people all at once) and one individual session where I basically spent two hours…
EA with a purchased studio is like "Jojo the idiot circus boy with a pretty new pet."
It's ironic but Starship Troopers is one of the best criticisms of America post 9/11 and it came out before 9/11.
It's this game that makes me upset I don't have a PS4. A twin stick shooter that reminds you of Starship Troopers? Would I like to know more?