100 cups of coffee

Will do, thanks for the recommendation.

Thanks, Brian. This is a great piece, and I’m usually not a fan of Glass’ work. (Just not my style most of the time—he’s obviously brilliant.)

He was!

Their live tracks are incredible. So much sound for a three-piece!

Well said, Jason.

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Because Youtube won’t make the video available in the US:

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The following track on the album, “Don’t Stop”:

Great suggestions. AC2 and XCom are excellent “gateway” games and the historical dimension of AC2, in particular, could be a great hook.

I am a university professor (although on the younger side) and here are my tips:

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Sound Affects and Setting Sons are their undisputed masterpieces, but I have a soft spot for The Gift.

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They arranged/performed one of the great covers of the 20th century:

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Great song and album. Here are some other gems:

Yeah, seriously. I lost 8 of my ten placement matches because of quitters (this was before they retooled the leaving penalty) and for the most insane reasons, too. “Oh, they secured the payload on King’s Row? I’d better quit!”

All very good points!

I’m in a second-class cabin on the HYPE TRAIN. Feel free to join me for cocktails!