I just made a push last week to finish two that had been sitting there: Dishonored and Far Cry 3. Now I have:
I just made a push last week to finish two that had been sitting there: Dishonored and Far Cry 3. Now I have:
Not to mention how haunting Fallout 3 was if you've ever lived/worked in DC. Link to comparison: http://www.gamesradar.com/fallout-3-vs-reality-photo-comparison/
Great essay, thanks for the link.
Is it naive to hope that AC: Liberation comes out on another platform? (Say, Steam?)
So sad that Pandemic closed. The Saboteur is one of those games I evangelize about to this day...not to mention Battlefront :(
Good god, that is funny.
We tried canceling it but it kicked us back to the home screen—I think I just had to sign out of my family member's PSN account first, then load it up.
I had a similar experience with a family member's PS3 this weekend, too.
You all have seen this scene in Futurama, right? That was me every day in grad school.
+1,000,000 points for Velvet Goldmine-era Christian Bale (begins at 3:22 in the Gotham High trailer).
Good luck!
The Bee was one of the few ways to play solo and farm quickly with respect to the very low drop rates. This nerf now forces people to play in groups for endgame content which some people can't/don't want to do.
Luke, let me get this straight: this game was something like a combination of Firefly, Privateer, and TIE Fighter? Or is the rye hitting me a little hard tonight?
Looking forward to some awesome Breaking Bad references.
I would settle for an Alpha Centauri remake orbiting the App Store...
Thanks a lot for this post and all the comments, folks—looking forward to getting some more golden keys!
Just to add to the chorus: I'd share it. It's not like farming the dev box or anything...as fun as that was. :)
Truer words have never been spoken.
Well played, Mr. Spector, well played.
A number of the episodes have made their way to YouTube, including many from the not-released-on-DVD Season 3: