Burner baby burner!


Ok, take this movie. Crazy man takes the woman hostage who killed his daughter. Crazy man wants to punish the person who killed his daughter and he wants his child back by virtue of using the hostage as an ‘incubator’. Wickedly crazy? Yes, but also part of the movie’s plot. So how is rape in this movie an isolated

Show me some of those comment threads, where men cry about the male on male rape scene in Deliverance.

Jesus F. Christ, in what bizarre world do you live? There are countless male victims of assault living in our society, in fact there are far more men who have been physically assaulted in their lives than women. I was one of them 20 years ago. Does being in a coma for a week after being brutally beaten down by a group

I’m calling out your double standards. You’re like a meth user calling a heroin user a ‘fucking addict’. Calling out that double standard should not mean you have to double your effort on the war on drugs, it’s just about naming and shaming a hypocrite. That’s what i did and judging from the comments on this thread, I

She has a pretty lenghty record. Wouldn’t you say that the leash is getting shorter with the file of a criminal record getting bigger?

I would be totally fine with the depiction of a man putting a bullet into a female villain’s head in movies and the audience not gasping omg-what-did-he-just-do, cuz I’ve seen a lot of movies where women do this to male villains. Not gonna happen though. What I’m against is delicate creatures shrieking at the mere

Parole violation, isn’t that usually something that gets you back to prison?

Why can’t you accept that people get upset about things and not other things?

Nope. I’d say we’re against tired stereotypical depictions that reduce us to a plot point in someone else’s story.

I bet Zayn Malik’s frame of mind after he had his little ego trip is something like this:

Brutal assault or murder of men are not close to home and are not realistic? Well, maybe not for you, but there are a lot of male survivors of brutal assaults or family members of murdered men who might disagree we you. You are aware that men are fully functional human beings, aren’t you? We do in fact bleed when cut

I tell you this, they’d have to pry spaghetti and vodka out of my cold dead hands!

Skillfully done? Are you nuts? It’s nothing but blood and gore and pure sadism. This is skillful to you? Oh, I forgot, only when done to a man. My bad! There are plenty of rape scenes that lead to changes in the female character, but every single time they are described as gratuitous or worse by the media, even if the

“The source adds that Hiddleston is “embarrassed”

That’s why your first question on your first date should always be - ‘Care for a cheeseburger’? If the answer is no...well, it wasn’t meant to be.

Wow, I wonder after their last ad that got them into hot water, could Meat & Livestock Australia have done anything to avoid getting passive aggressively criticized again? Maybe a video of the whole borad collectively committing suicide would have calmed the waves.

That’s funny, cuz I can’t remember one comedian being hounded on social media b/c of a prison rape joke and I also have never seen calls for a boycott of a movie that has prison rape as part of the plot.

Fair enough!

That’ll hurt tipping.