Oddly enough, all the women he was in a relationship with over the last 3+ decades either said exactly the same about him or at least did not come out to even say a single word to the contrary. Shouldn’t they know him as well?
Oddly enough, all the women he was in a relationship with over the last 3+ decades either said exactly the same about him or at least did not come out to even say a single word to the contrary. Shouldn’t they know him as well?
Technically speaking, no. Nearly every sports has referees. They monitor the compliance with the rules. When done correctly, there is absolutely no interference with the outcome of the game. The players/athletes decide the outcome. Judges, on the other hand, single handedly decide the outcome of the competition be…
If you protest and no one is watching in the stadium, does that still count?
In putting her beef stroganoff front and center, the article is literally saying that that’s her crowing achievement.
OK, but let’s be fair, judging from your comment history, you do that about almost everything.
The OP is the offended one, insinuating that mentioning beef stroganoff in the first sentence of an obit would somehow devaluate a life of professional accomplishments. *That* is puzzling to me. On the other hand, in a world where some people believe in ‘microaggressions’ and are looking for ‘safe spaces’ anywhere,…
There was nothing in this obit that insinuated, that beef stroganoff was her ‘crowning achievement in life’.
So her obit contained information about both her private life and her professional life while his obit makes no mentioning at all about him being a husband and father. If that is symptomatic of gender biased obits, that can only mean one of the following:
You really take umbrage at the sequence of private and professional information? Do people have such a short attention span, that they might stop reading after the first sentence? In many obituaries, the family members are listed right at the top, before any other information of the deceased. Oh my, is that another…
Her struggle—their struggle—has nothing to do with the Pelicans,
You would rather have any mentioning of her family erased and the obit solely focused on her career as if she had no family and no family life?
You’re free to set up a gofundme page on her behalf.
Crapping on a guy who died of Alzheimers disease and presumably never committed a crime.
You want to see a career destroyed on social media, not from a relatively unknown academic but a nobel laureate for breaking exactly zero laws in a twitter shitstorm that gave him no chance to set the record straight? Read this story. I can’t remember anyone coming to his defense and asking people to let go on…
She did not admit that she was wrong:
Oh no, matching tattoos! The beginning of the end for every relationship.
Then what is he supposed to do? Attend high school and be bored to death, surroundend by his peers he has already outgrown by miles? I don’t think his extracurricular activities match those of his peers as well. He’s probably interested in things that they can’t even begin to understand. As a result of this lack of…
Cuz it shouldn’t be about that in this particular case. If you have to tilt your head at just the right angle and squint your eyes juuust the right way to see what youi want to see, you’re doing it wrong. If a guy inadvertently touches your shoulder with his shoulder while your both riding the subway, you can call…