Mental Iceberg

I like Dorinda.

Screw ‘em.

Right. She’s America’s First Lady and fucking trump is in the White House.

Done ;)

So...he gave us Sarah Connor and now Hollywood can stop because...that’s it?


Actually, it depends on the state. Some you lose, some you can get back.

She likes to pose semi naked for attention because she feels if she just posts a picture of her sitting on the couch in jeans and a t-shirt people won’t pay attention to her enough?

She’s not a felon, lol.

I stopped dating a guy (three weeks in -early in the campaign season) who was a trump supporter, and two “quasi” friends who were trump supporters.


He’s always going to be that, but I think he’s getting more behind the scenes politically more adept is what’s I’m trying to say.

I do mine a bit different.

Literally laughed out loud.

I agree with you. In the beginning he was extremely easy to manipulate (Bannon), but as time goes on he’s becoming more savvy and politically manipulative himself.


Austin? Oh, the humanity.

Optics, man.