Thank you for the “latine” as opposed to “latinx” in the headline.
Thank you for the “latine” as opposed to “latinx” in the headline.
counter point. Farts are funny
Yeah, sure, but also fuck the Yankees.
Orlando City is my favorite because they use “soccer club” instead of football club in their name. Viva Soccer! Viva America!
Jordi Evole: What about Cristiano Ronaldo?
This has been a textbook case for why skepticism is always healthy and how wrongheaded the “believe victims” mantra of modern progressives is. A lot of people didn’t feel his story added up and/or was way too perfect when it first came out but were afraid to express skepticism for fear of being branded racist and/or…
Congrats to Mexico and Costa Rica on qualifying for 2022. Looking forward to the contest between Panama and Honduras for that last guaranteed spot.
This profile was completely irresponsible. The Nigerian masses live underfoot of these corrupt and power drunk billionaires. When these same vices were being used to fund their lifestyles they had no qualms. It was offensive to use Africa’s problems to help these ladies plug their brand. It is up to Interpol to…
Machine politics from the late 1800s/early 1900s get a bad rap, but they were undeniably great at getting voters to the polls. Often more than once, sure, but they got voters to care.
“Many people are saying they’d like to play with me. The best people. Very best. Very beautiful people. My uncle, who was a player for MIT, told me that I have a great football mind. One of the best. Maybe the best. Very natural football scientist. Many people are saying so. I don’t know. Maybe I am.”
the real victory was the friends they made along the way
For fuck’s sake. Why are you contributing to this disgusting widespread virgin-shaming in the media? Just stop it. It’s not hard to believe that an attractive man in his 20's is a virgin if you have any familiarity with people who aren’t white Anglo Christian Americans. Sites on here are always posting articles…
I’m going to be blunt. It seems like Azealia Banks has some sort of untreated/unmanaged mental illness, and I hope she gets the help she needs.
If dolphins are so great, and if you want to protect dolphins, 300,000 dolphins die as bycatch in commercial fishing,” said Sasaki, citing a figure confirmed by the International Whaling Commission as representing all cetaceans caught in commercial fishing apparati, not just dolphins. “Why don’t we go toward that if…
I’ve never seen The Cove. This interview makes me want to see it even just as a big fuck you to the fallacy filled arguments this article is full of (“whataboutism”, “why can’t we focus on our similarities”, “criticism is imperialism”).
As a Mets fan, this is one of the few things that brings me joy.
Oh, for dog’s sake. If somebody enjoys a well-done steak, just let them enjoy their well done steak. How exactly are they harming you? I swear, steak fanatics are worse than vegans when it comes to food snobbery.
Reminds me of me at that age!
I owe all the MLS fans an apology. You claimed MLS was just the same as a lot of European leagues and I didn’t believe you.