
PREACH! This is perfect evidence showing the efficacy of the TSA. They find a crazy amount of dangerous material and keep us safe.

“That cancer is not terrorism, but rather, theater, just plain theater.”

Prices have gone up? CITATION REQUIRED 

Use Robinhood. It has no minimum balance and doesn’t charge fees for trading. The service is available through an app on IOS or Android

An easier way to do this is by Accent Flavor Enhancer (MSG) and use that. I have started using it recently and it has changed the way I cook. Food tastes so much better with it.

What the heck did I just read? You sir need a phys eval.

In photoshop? Just enter the value in the box it is displayed and it changes the slider.


It is not a problem is she has a heart attack at the wheel. The car will keep on driving!

That don’t impress me much

I theorise that this is in preparation of the big Obama crackdown. I insist on even heavier caliber weaponry to protect myself from the police.

I have built 2 quadcopters using APM (So I know what I am doing) but I bough the phantom 1 after seeing it on sale here. BIG MISTAKE!My phantom 1 could not pick up a GPS signal out of the box while my other quadcopter’s GPS worked fine at the same time in the same place. It turns out my device shipped with a defective

I have built 2 quadcopters using APM (So I know what I am doing) but I bough the phantom 1 after seeing it on sale

Neither can your 2007 Toyota Prius.

The 6p starts at 499

Get a Nexus 6P instead. They are much better and will work with Fi if you choose to use it at a later date. A Neuxs 6p is both the best bang for your buck, and the best smartphone you can buy now.

So doesn’t that mean it is a drone?

So doesn’t that mean it is a drone?