
Damn, woman! What were you thinking?

1) "It's also ironic how you fail at reading comprehension since I go out of my way to say I'm not generalizing, but you seem to imply I am."
How can you possibly speak about 1,300,000,000 people without generalising?

2) " I'm reporting the perception over here as I understand it and am asking for clarification.

"Discussing instead of criticising." Are you not exactly criticising a country due to the actions of the .00000005% of the population that you've heard about doing extremely bad things?

Also China has a history of at least 4000+ years.

literally the 15th word in your original post was "majority". As in the majority of Chinese people sell babies, like the majority of Americans enjoy murderous rampages.

Okay, a) the VAST majority of the "crazy people in China" stories are completely made up (so much so that I automatically don't believe them now), and b) there is a metric shitload of people in China, so judging them all by the few that actually do something dumb enough to get noticed (assuming that even a fraction of

why make sweeping comments when you admit to knowing nothing?

You sound biased against motorists, not everyone is like you embellished here & you know it. As both a motorist & a cyclist I notice bad habits & disregard for laws by both groups.

"Nevertheless, commenters have a point. This dude does go on about his damn car waaaaaay too much,"

Care to provide a source on that thought of yours that people who swear are less intelligent?

People who say "u mad bro" are usually people whose opinions are to be disregarded.

So apparently you're one of the commenter's that Doug has singled out here?

WE do care if he has a Ferrari, which is why we click on his articles. If you don't care to read his articles there's a very simple mathematical formula that can assist you: STOP FUCKING CLICKING ON THINGS YOU DON'T WANT TO READ YOU FUCKING DUMBFUCK.

Are you new here or something? This was part of a long process that we all knew was coming. Hell, we were part of the planning process lol

I'm "tired of it" because people have no business telling someone how to create their story. If you want more of a certain type of person, write your own story.

Are you?

well the 2008 was freaking ugly and removes all rally car features. No swollen wheen wells, no giant fog lights, bland styling, massive ride height, seats made wider with less support to accomodate fat americans, and worst of all, slower, heavier, less horsepower, and worse mileage. It was so horrible and selling so

WRX is probably the way to go if you're not gonna mod and want a reasonably quick DD.

Didn't mercedez build their GT vision car? Didn't a LOT of companies build their GT vision cars?

I never said I never would crash. That would be a ridiculous thing to say. If one day I do something dumb and crash, I will take the shit I earn for it like a man and try to learn and improve. But that hasn't happened to me, and it did happen to this guy, who has demonstrated a pattern of not only poor decision