
It's only a giant clusterfuck of a thread because people aren't reading what is said, and stupidly equating using speakerphone or bluetooth as some magical cause to make any conversation not a distraction because the person isn't physically holding a phone and talking into it. This is 100% false, not holding a phone

you mean kind of like when you talk to a person in the passenger seat?

Please, shut the fuck up.

This is entirely the fault of someone running a light, not a person using their phone.

He doesn't see the PT Cruiser until .14, it wasn't even in the far left lane, he should have been paying more attention to cross-traffic. The PT is 100% at-fault and liable, but the ST could have had some situational awareness and avoided the accident IMHO.

Even without distraction, you cannot prevent someone from ramming into you from outside of your field of view.

It does look like the driver of the PT Cruiser didn't have their left hand on the wheel to begin with and at impact had just grabbed at the wheel with an unnatural grip. I don't see an actual phone and on approach the left hand is not visible. But the driver sure did notice the impending unpleasantness at the last

so most people look in the direction they are turning.

I just timed a few things in the video. The light goes from red to green at about 0:075 (in between 7 and 8 seconds) in the video and he doesn't start moving until 0:09. The impact takes place at 0:15. If we assume the opposing traffic light turned red about 1-2 seconds before the ST's light turned green, this means

He was already 1/2 to 2/3 through the intersection by the time the PT Cruiser even crossed past its stop line. Whether he did or did not see the PT Cruiser beforehand wouldn't have made a difference because it is generally safe to assume that other vehicles waiting at or approaching red lights won't suddenly run

I think him talking is irrelevant. It could have been coming from a blind angle. Who knows. Even this guy chatting on speakerphone is more attentive than most people I see driving on a daily basis.

You need to pick your spots better. The guy waited a full three seconds after the arrow turned from red to green before even pulling out into the intersection to begin with. He did nothing wrong, and was properly attentive to traffic.

How is talking on speakerphone any different than talking to someone in the car?

Speakerphone doesn't make a difference if you're not paying attention to your surroundings. He was obviously distracted. I'm not trying to say the accident was his fault, it obviously wasn't his fault the other person ran a red light, but he was clearly distracted. Green doesn't mean it's safe to proceed, it just

All Focus STs have Bluetooth hands free. So.

All down but for Wan for me. Everyone was an idiot, or a dick for no reason and everyone was useless except for the little girl. Tenzin is the most useless character in Avatar history.

Hopefully it'll be better than the majority of last season (With the exception of Avatar Wan). I'm sad to say that it kind of killed any excitement I had to continue the series...

Wasn't The Boss, called The Joy?

Wow. I wish my sister, who was murdered by her female intimate partner, could have read this. She might still be alive.

Wow... this deserves some sort of Jalop merit badge. It may not be one anyone is proud to have, but it still deserves something... one would think bed sheets in layers might be a bit more effective since they could cover the entire surface... then again I guess it is obvious this guy isn't doing much thinking in the

Because you are dead inside.