How Will I Know! [if he really loves me]

Consider for a moment the arrangement of that photo...

If you haven’t been recruited, you are not wanted. 

Which is why we need to alter or repeal the first amendment along with the second.

Zero percent chance this is better than the education I received in college on the same topic.  However, with that said, I will consider viewing this film. 

Now is NOT the time Brandon! This is serious stuff mister.

The things people will do for money.  Just awful. 

Foxstar disagrees.  But that’s only because he’s in love with me and constantly trying to get my attention. 

She’s a wannabe celebrity that will say or do anything to become famous.

Social Media V1.0 needs to disappear in favor of actual social tools that allow you to connect with others, the primary reason anyone uses these services.

The congressional learning curve is a steep, rocky one. I still have faith that Cortez can right this ship and provide an equal counterweight to Trump.

They need to learn how to be silent and listen. 

Curious how that gay disabled black Canadian was able to con you all into thinking he was me. I remember when that happened but forget the fellow’s name. Anyway, fun Gawker history. Should you find that guy’s handle again, you’ll notice he isn’t followed by Tomatilloface Esperanza, who at the time I used to verify my

If you haven’t deleted your Facebook profile yet, what are you waiting for?

It appears to be a term of endearment limited to this webpage only. 

Wonder if Ming has a trust fund that allows this.  Singapore to Minnesota?  I would guess yes. 

It’s an interesting scenario to ponder. Much more interesting than “Here are the results of the midterms, again.”

I have a two-step final solution to this madness.

Any color on why they don’t hire, say, women to coach the women’s team?

Calexit inches closer. I assume that if we’re able to get that done Trump will try to “invade” to take it back, at which point the federal government could jail our politicians.  Makes sense to start thinking about defense.  We’ve got a ton of military in San Diego but nowhere else unless Washington wants to join

Exactly.  The freshman class will have their moment eventually.  They shouldn’t make the Bernie mistake by forcing its immediacy.